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Virgin interview timeline question

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Hang in there tzskipper. We are inundated with applicants right now. The interviews are on Wednesdays with 12 slots each session. The time between the online assessment and interview call is variable. Best wishes, there is plenty of flying to come. Getting on now will be around one year upgrade.

Thanks. I appreciate the information....

We are inundated with applicants right now.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Virgin Nigeria, starts their first year F/O at close to $4,000 monthly pay based on 65 hours/M. That comes out at $61/H
And this is in an airline that is based in one of the poorest nations on the face of the planet.

Virgin America, starts their F/O at $2,060 based on 65 hours/month and $44/H

This is $17 less than our counterparts in the part of the world that historically used to pay less for the pilot profession.

How can this company be inundated with applications as this individuals claims?
Why is it that we as American pilots are willing to work for 30% less than pilots in the poorest nations on the planet?
Is there no more sense of pride left on us?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Virgin Nigeria, starts their first year F/O at close to $4,000 monthly pay based on 65 hours/M. That comes out at $61/H
And this is in an airline that is based in one of the poorest nations on the face of the planet.

Virgin America, starts their F/O at $2,060 based on 65 hours/month and $44/H

This is $17 less than our counterparts in the part of the world that historically used to pay less for the pilot profession.

How can this company be inundated with applications as this individuals claims?
Why is it that we as American pilots are willing to work for 30% less than pilots in the poorest nations on the planet?
Is there no more sense of pride left on us?[/FONT]


Didn't they offer math at any of the schools you attended?

First 44 x 65 = 2860

Second, where did you pull 65 hours out of? The base is 70 hours and there is as much flying available as you want. We can do 85+ hours a month no problem Plus it's 125% for every hour over 82.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
How can this company be inundated with applications as this individuals claims? [/FONT]

"...[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]as this individuals claims?"

Nice grammar!

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]\
Why is it that we as American pilots are willing to work for 30% less than pilots in the poorest nations on the planet?[/FONT]

Last I checked Nigeria was a nation. Not a "nations."

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Is there no more sense of pride left on us?[/FONT]

So what does a sense of pride feel like when it is "on" you? :laugh:

If I where you I would seek out a local community college.

Dumb Pilot......very apropos

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Typical FI answer, an attack instead of a logical argument. So you make more because you fly more Hum? Guess what? All the pilots that work for the Virgin group fly a lot.

Please answer the question without resorting to nonsense. Why for pilots in the USA it is OK to earn less than what the same Virgin group is paying your counterparts in some of the poorest nations on the planet?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Typical FI answer, an attack instead of a logical argument. So you make more because you fly more Hum? Guess what? All the pilots that work for the Virgin group fly a lot.

Please answer the question without resorting to nonsense. Why for pilots in the USA it is OK to earn less than what the same Virgin group is paying your counterparts in some of the poorest nations on the planet?[/FONT]

Actually it's b/c we compare ourselves to the rest of the industry in America. First year FO is higher than most places.... As of right now upgrade is running 8 months. So from there it's 95/hr and 5/yr increase after that. Is 95/hr slightly low for the industry for Capt. Yes. However; what other domestic pax carriers can you go to and make that in year one? Personally it would take 500/hr to get me to move to Nigeria....or more like, no amount of money. BTW guarantee is 70/hr

Every pilot here came b/c they think it's a better deal than what they had. Criticize us if you want. The Fact of the matter is that the best Pax carrying job in the US industry (SWA) was created initially by a company with a radically different product with slightly low pay--- but the employees believed in it.
Hi Dumb Pilot,

I won't attack your English but I think you miss some very important facts.

1. The various Virgin companies are completely separate and structured to the laws, conventions and customs of the countries they are in. Here in the USA the industry is in a recession and there are many pilots on the street. In India and China pilots make a lot more, but then again you have to be willing to live and work there. No offense to any Indian or Chinese pilots, but I prefer to stay in the USA and have to take what I can get work wise.

2. Yes, the pay is low for an Airbus Captain, I was hoping it would rise if/when we started to get the cash flow up. OTOH, it is a supply and demand situation, with supply far greater than demand right now.

3. With Aloha, ATA, Skybus and now EOS shutting down, we do have a very large pool of applicants to choose from. I guess Southwest is still hiring and pays close to the same as us for new hire, but it is a 10 plus year upgrade there versus 1 year here at present. Or, if CAL is still hiring you could make $31/hr and no insurance for your family for the first 6 months. I have no idea how long upgrade is there, but I'm willing to bet it's longer than a year.

4. As for chances of survival, with the price of fuel and the economy in tatters, I'd rather be high up the VA list than at the bottom of UAL, DAL or any other carrier's list. We all are looking over our shoulder right now!

I'm glad you are doing well in your ANA 767. I wish our economy wasn't in the crapper here in the US, but it's a completely different thread to argue why that has happened.


Actually your 99th. post was very eloquent but congratulations on your 100th. And gentlemen, my intention was not to criticize you or engage in nonsense FI runarounds. But more as a frustrated comment about how our situation has degraded into a point that as American pilots we have to be content to be paid less than pilots are making in sub developed countries. I understand your arguments and respect them, since some of the same points that you brought up are the very same reason that I had to become an ex pat. But I would like to bring a question in general If I may. If VA would have not found qualified applicants at those salary levels, would they have folded the tents and not go forward with the airline? Or would have they paid more? I'm just wondering if in the process of conformism we are the ones most at fault of currently earning the lowest wages in the civilized world.

I don't agree with the mentality of "it's better than nothing" but I can respect your views and wish you luck
Back on track....

I am curious... Has anyone who took the VA on-line evaluation the week of April 14th been notified of an interview date?



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