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Virgin interview timeline question

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2004
Has anyone recently taken the on-line psych evaluation as part of the VA interview process? If so, how long until a response was received?


I was called the next day for an interview. I declined the interview though, so that's about the limit to my knowledge about them.
I took it on 17 April and haven't heard a peep since. Hope I didn't fail it.
Why would you do that? What reasons? Couldn't give up your Boeing for the Fifi jet?
Well, outside of not really wanting to trade a 767 for the "Fifi jet" the main reasons were the pay was/is a little low, the commute to SFO from the midwest was going to be problematic, and friends telling me that the schedules over there are a little rough right now. The bottom line was my going to the interview would have been a waste of each other's time.
And a big SFO hug for you yuppyguppy.

Hang in there tzskipper. We are inundated with applicants right now. The interviews are on Wednesdays with 12 slots each session. The time between the online assessment and interview call is variable. Best wishes, there is plenty of flying to come. Getting on now will be around one year upgrade.

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