own a plane capable of handling just about anything Mother Nature can throw at me.
It's good that you appreciate your own limitations, but that quoted line is a worry. If your airplane that's capable of handling just about anything mother nature can throw at you is one of the aircraft you've got listed in your bio...you need to experience more of what mother nature can throw at you before you make such dangerous, sweeping assumptions.
The Cessna 340 is a nice light piston twin, but far from excepionally capable in weather. Like the 310, it will do okay up to a point, but it's full of limitations, including performance limitations. If it's any of the single engine airplanes in your bio to which you're referring...let's not even go there.
There's not an aircraft made that can handle anything mother nature can throw at it. Let alone a light piston single or twin.
What's the definition of severe icing, after all...but icing in excess of what the aircraft systems can handle, right? (right). If you haven't seen that yet, plan carefully so that you don't, because you had better believe that mother nature can throw a whole lot more your way than either you, or your airplane can handle.