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Various NetJets Questions

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Rich Man

Aug 12, 2002
Can someone in the know answer a few questions for a NetJets Wannnabe?

Has anybody flown the right seat in the sim for the interview and gotten hired? first hand experiences only.

Has anybody every failed the sim session the first time, and gotten hired after the second time? Again, first hand experiences.

The same question with the Medical Evaluation?

Actually, about the medical evaluations, can anybody expand into what this entails? Im just curious as to what happens after you resign from your current flying job and then you are rejected during this medical evaluation. I mean, what do people do then? does this happen often?

I am not trying to be negative, or anything like that, I am just asking the questions that nobody has answered. Everybody has talked now and then about the good stuff and the nice stuff, I want to know what happens on the dark side of the moon?

Anybody with first hand experiences?

I interviewed once, and was told by Derinda that my problem was the simulator ride, to wait 6 months and re-apply, and if I did then I would only re-do the Sim ride.

This is the first flight eval I ever bust, so now I know this could actually happen to me. I flew from the left seat, my sim partner flew from the right, he was told the same thing, only difference is that when he flew, I started looking for the autopilot, because he had the thing pegged, I could not belive how steady he had it, CRM was going on like it was going out of style, we comunicated well, and everything. I recognize I had problems controlling the box, but he did awsome.

I am doing everything I can to be proficient with round dials, and keeping my scan up for my re-do, I was just wondering if there are more people that have had my experience, with a happy aoutcome later. Not giving up the dream, and when the time comes, I will be ready. non the less I am curious.;)
Doesn't NetJets require an ATP? Your profile here lacks that. Clearly that's your problem.

...oh, and your stick and rudder skills.

JK. Wait your six months and re-apply. Go get'em tiger.
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Ok, ok, just to appease those who probbably wont see the JK in your post, I will update my profile to show my ATP, as far as my skills..... yeah you be right on the money on that one :(
What medical evaluation do you speak of? never heard of this. There is a drug test but that's all I've heard of.

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