Let me try.V1 is the speed at which you can abort the takeoff and apply maximum breaking with spoilers and no reverse(two engines) and stop at the end of the runway. At V1+.00000000001 you can continue the takeoff, rotate at Vr and cross the end of the runway at 35 feet.1st segment of a takefoff is from V1 to 35 feet or gear retraction 2nd segment is from 35 feet or gear retraction to 400 feet, 3rd segment or cruise segment is from 400 feet to 1500 feet. The aircraft must be able to maintain a given climb gradient for 121 and 135 on one engine assuming standard gear and flap retraction. In the case of a propeller airplane engine feathered or auto-feathered with a maximum 5 degree bank into the good engine. That's from memory after a long flight whoa, the climb gradient I think is 2.8%.