Lance is a joke, and he's a big part of the reason for LOA9 93 and the wet-our-collective-pants pension termination which we are learning was a farce.
I take it that the west likes Lance, though, because he's a white flag waver and you guys want the Nic now over and above a respectable contract, right? I guess you think an A330 seat or our higher 757 pay is worth selling out the whole industry.
What I don't get is this: why not join forces with us to get a quality contract? If you're so *&^%$%$# sure you'll win "DFRII" then it seems to me the fastest way to get that thing filed is with a joint contract that "harms" you. Jesus, let's just move forward. Not even the bed wetting Lance can make east pilots drop their swords, so picket with us and start walking the walk toward a contract. Then, you get to sue again! Hoooya!
Sure we'll join you, only after you stick your DOH list up your (well you know)