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USAir March bid

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Come on buddy you're smarter than that. So vetrider just because all you care about is progressing in PHX you are willing to accept long term fences on the widebodies? Well that would set a great precedent if the DAL deal goes through! About 30% of Delta is widebodies. Effectively us AWA guys would be fenced out of about 1/3rd of the new airline because all we cared about was protecting pre-merger progression in little old phx.

What if Parker decides that all the money is in the International arena and he shrinks the domestic side and expands the international arena? Where would your plan put us then? Stagnation would be the rule for AWA pilots. We are likely to become the BIGGEST airline in the world and you want to hand over all widebodies indefinitely!!!! We can't agree to that as fair and then expect to ever see them at DAL if that goes through. Talk about the trailer trash sub-group. we would be the only ones out of 12000 who don't have a retirement or access to a significant portion of the combined fleet.

If we are going to buy their bullsh#t that career expectations were irrelevant the day we announced the merger then we can say goodbye to their argument that we would never see widebodies because who knows? If they could potentially resurect themeselves from the dead then we could dammn well buy widebodies. I could be wrong here but I believe we used to have 747's? Bigger than anything the prima donnas at AAA ever flew. Too many AWA pilots are ready to just give stuff away because it doesn't apply to them. That's why we've always been bottom of the barrell in terms of pay/working conditions. Until we start acting like a cohesive/powerful union instead of a bunch of self interested factions we'll end up with crap.


Don't worry too much about DL widebodies. We would take a NWA offer before we ever took Doug's. That is a fact. I hope you get your USAir A330 slot someday.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
Delta Air Lines is once again up for grabs.

US Airways chief executive officer Doug Parker fired a second blast Wednesday by upping his $8.5 billion offer by 20%, offering Delta creditors $10.2 billion in cash and stock.

But at market close on Wednesday, Northwest and United (nasdaq: UAUA - news - people ) emerged as possible buyers for the bankrupt airline.

Both Northwest and United Airlines have both been in talks with Delta, reports Calyon analyst Ray Neidl who put out a note on the development late Wednesday. “These meetings have helped Delta’s creditors come to see a combination with Northwest as a realistic alternative to US Airways Group’s hostile takeover bid,” wrote the analyst.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Don't worry too much about DL widebodies. We would take a NWA offer before we ever took Doug's. That is a fact. I hope you get your USAir A330 slot someday.....

Bye Bye--General Lee

We? Ha ha ha. You're a peon like the rest of us. You have no say. Oh yeah I know DALPA creditor blah blah blah. Shut up, sit back and let the people that actually have a say make the decision.
We? Ha ha ha. You're a peon like the rest of us. You have no say. Oh yeah I know DALPA creditor blah blah blah. Shut up, sit back and let the people that actually have a say make the decision.

Really? No say, huh?

Lee Moak, chairman of the Delta chapter of the Air Line
Pilots Association, said the group voted yesterday to commit
$15 million more to defeat the US Airways bid. “We will do
everything we can to kill this merger,” Mr. Moak said.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Personally speaking General, I really hope you get your wish and merge with Northwest. Then you can tell us all about your reduced rest Minot overnights next winter when you get displaced to reserve DC-9 FO out of DTW. No more Milan for you,flyboy!!

Personally speaking General, I really hope you get your wish and merge with Northwest. Then you can tell us all about your reduced rest Minot overnights next winter when you get displaced to reserve DC-9 FO out of DTW. No more Milan for you,flyboy!!


Did you read that article I posted about NWA/DL and US? Here are some interesting parts:

By contrast, analysts believe that a Delta-Northwest combination would be far stronger: By matching Delta's strong European network with Northwest's powerful Asian routes, the combined carriers would potentially be more profitable than a combined Delta-US Airways. Vaughn Cordle, CEO and chief analyst of AirlineForecasts, a Washington (D.C.)-based consulting firm, estimates that a Delta-Northwest combination would have a fair market value approaching $12 billion—or $500 million higher than that of a combined Delta-US Airways. "A merger between Delta and Northwest makes the most sense," says Cordle. "It would produce more value than any other partnership out there, more than United-Delta, US Airways-Delta, or even United-Continental."

While Northwest officials declined to comment on the reports of a merger with Delta, Wall Street analysts say the Minnesota-based carrier signaled its willingness to partner up when it hired Evercore Partners (EVR) last December to explore "broad strategic alternatives" on its behalf. "Northwest would sell under the right terms," says Ray Neidl, an airline analyst for Calyon Securities in New York. "And strategically, Delta and Northwest are a good fit."

For one, analysts note that Northwest has an aging workforce that is poised to retire in coming years, making the task of cutting labor costs that much easier. "A lot of those Northwest workers are going to drop off the rolls," says Roger King, airline analyst for CreditSights, a New York-based institutional research firm. Delta management would also have a selfish reason for partnering with Northwest: It's likely that Delta executives would run the combined airline, and preserve its headquarters in Atlanta.

Looks like I might not be on the DC9 in Minot. (maybe an E190) Regardless, it would be better than being bought and sold by Parker.

Bye Bye--General Lee
To each his own. Just one last question. If Parker does succeed in pulling this thing off and the merger does go through, what will those fancy red "Keep Delta My Delta" buttons you guys are wearing say then? Just curious...

To each his own. Just one last question. If Parker does succeed in pulling this thing off and the merger does go through, what will those fancy red "Keep Delta My Delta" buttons you guys are wearing say then? Just curious...


They will go in the garbage. But, it is more likely that USAir will stand alone, and then get slapped around by the combo UAL/CAL, DAL/NWA, and little AA. Parker is forcing us to make a better choice, if a merger has to happen. Thanks Doug.

So, what happens if Parker closes most of CLT? Will you get furloughed? I bet there would be a mass exodus towards PHX. Then you too can say "Thanks Doug....." Admit it, his plan stinks. Oberstar thinks so. (there is my Oberstar plant in every post.....)

Bye Bye--General Lee
I think the plan does stink...no doubt, just like Delta's stand alone plan does. But not for the reasons you mention. I just feel that Delta's day in the sun has passed. They kind of remind me of Pan Am in their hey day. Just too slow and cumbersome to react quickly to the rapid changes in the market place. Sure,you streamlined the fleet got you costs down yada yada yada ,but I think the damage has already been done and at this point, it's too little too late. I hope this never comes to pass,General because as you know I have a vested interest in seeing you guys get out of Chapter 11 and prosper. But I gotta ask; if the creditors committee decided to sell Delta off piece meal,would you still be against Parker's hostile bid? Just curious......

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