At my current command, taken as a straight percentage, for the year 2009 so far, the numbers do not indicate that O's are any less likely to have an alcohol-related incident(including DUI) than junior enlisted personnel.
Maybe you got taught some of that "new math" from a few years back but "taken as a striaght percentage, for the year 2009 so far, the numbers" MOST CERTAINLY DO indicate that O's ARE less likely to have an alcohol related offense.
And USAA's concerns aren't just for DUI. It's overall safety and responsibility. Something your average 18 to 24 year old still has a lot to learn. That age group is very inclusive of the Es and very exclusive of the Os due to college graduation requirements.
Add to that the higher screening Os go through for selection to the service on personal and financial responsibility. Let's face facts. Os are there to lead the Es. We expect leaders to be a bit more on the judgement and responsibility side. Not to say there aren't some dirtbag Os out there or some really intelligent, educated and responsible Es. It's just that the percentages stack these qualities more in the Os favor and USAA in the past used this to their pricing advantage. Now they are accepting more risk with taking on thousands of 18 to 24 year olds which requires a little more pay premiums to cover the influx of a higher risk group.
/Former USMC CPL
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