I don't have any gouge for you, but if I do come across some I'll let you know ASAP.
I'm just curious about how long it took from sending in your stuff to you being called, and what kind of times/background you have. I'm trying to get on with them but no luck so far. PM me if you want, thanks
Part of Active Aero Group: www.activeaero.com
DC-9s and Falcon 20s
Excellent Training, Pilots, MX, Dispatch, Scheduling – Lots of experience and good people working here. There is no union.
On-Demand Cargo, mostly for auto industries.
There is rumours of a class in December-but only rumours until you actually arrive to start class, as this is the aviation industry.
There is a pool of pilots. I don't know if they're still interviewing now.
For better and more up-to-date info, see Pilot YIP's posts.
whoa Cliff! that was a long reply... let me guess youre out on the road killing time?
not much else i can add to that. its a great place to work if you're not worried about ruining your manicure...
full 18K the first year, then it prorates down at about 1K per month until the 24th month, if you leave at 23 months 25 days you would owe 6K. It is a ugly thijng, but then we are trying to discourage people from applying who do not want to work here.
We did not have one before, but we had guys in our ground school who were just collecting a pay while waiting for a class date at another carrier, we had guys quit the day they took thier checkride in intial training because they had a job somewhere else and thier future employer, a Corp Operator, told them to get their check out at USA Jet. I know, I know if it was a good place to work we would not have this problem, but it is the on-demand business and it is a tuff place to work.
How long is it taking to upgrade there at USA, and who determines who's ready after 6 months and who stays as First officer after two years?
Are the F/Os that are thought of not being ready even given a chance to upgrade?
Is there a seniority list?
The Chief Pilot at my last company determined who got upgraded by who had the brownest nose. Aside from it taking 18+ months one had to kiss a$$ and that wasn't for me.
If I'm signing an $18k two year contact and their are upgrades in front of me, the company should decrease the training bond $6k for each person that cuts in front.
Don't mean to sound like a smart arss, but that's not fair to those poor guys, cause they can't leave because of that training bond.
Upgrades are running about two years right now due the slow down, 2 years ago they were 6 months. We promote within our senority list for those who are quailifed. All placements in the company take senority into consideration. Determining qualifications comes from recommendations letters to the chief Pilot from Line Captains and Check Airman. F/O's who do not get the reco letters are not given a shot at upgrade. Pass rate to Capt is about 85%, those who don't make have to wait another year and fly as F/O until attempting upgrade again. No addtional contract for the upgrade training.
i sent my resume over to Barb Edwards the other day. Maybe you can give me an idea about competetive minimums right now?
I sure know, that i'm not very comp. with my 2200/360ME, but i would love to work in a high strung environment like yours. I've worked in pretty stressful jobs before (12 years in large banks, mostly projectmanagement, after that 6 years selfemployed with up to 43 employees).
I would think that the right mindset is worth alot in your kind of business.
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