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Upgrade time at Pinnacle?

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Dec 1, 2002
Does anyone know the current upgrade time at Pinnacle?

I met an HR rep. at an AIR Inc. jobfair, and she seemed positive, but I never touched upon upgrade time...

If there is anyone here actually working there, I would truly dig your thoughts on any easy to answer questions like--> pilot bases, schedules (nasty or pretty good), working conditions (smooth or not so smooth), and pay scales--that kind of stuff.

Thanks for any info in advance for my stupid questions.
You can probably get more info if you do a search.

From what I understand, Pinnacle's upgrade time is minimum of 3500hrs with 500 in type and of course where you are at in seniority. I would guess 3 years minimum, maybe a little less.

Pay? sucks. For you it would not be so bad I guess.

Schedules? suck when you are junior of course.

No pay until completion of OE.

You flip the bill for accomodations while you are in training.

Bases were:

MSP, DTW, MEM, did I miss one?

I truly wish them the best in their next contract negotiations.

Good luck!!:D
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Upgrade - Last vacancy went to folks around 28-30 months.

Bases - DTW, MEM, MSP, and possibly TYS in the near future.

Schedules - Depends on where your based and they change drastically all the time. If you live in domicile and like to spend time at home they are generally pretty good but if you commute your life will suck.

Working conditions - Poor relationship with upper management but atmosphere in the domiciles isn't to bad. A very diverse and friendly labor group that's easy to get along with. If your the type that comes in, does their job, then goes home you won't have much trouble. If your the type that gets bent out of shape over every little company memo and pilot rumor your going to have a tough time here.

Pay scales - Just considering dollars per hour we are the fourth best paid 50-seat jet operator from years 1-7 and fifth for the remainder of the longevity. This is post concessionary deals at AW and ACA. Our compensation package is lacking through weak work rules and benefits though.

Hat pins - We have, by far, the ugliest hat pins in the industry. They are similar to wearing a satellite dish on your head. Thankfully management won't take time to police our wearing of the hat so you don't have to worry about cramping your neck muscles due to the strain of holding your head up.

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