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Unofficial Results. SU IN Fab 5 OUT

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congrats NJW to your husband and the organization. Communications is key and you are doing a good job- hopefully you will be heard or there is always the possibility of a strike. Also, you can bet your butts those guys are appreciating pilots this holiday weekend. Teamwork is important, yes, but there is no team without pilots.
NetWife, as you can tell from my profile, I have been silently watching events for sometime now. Having been down this road before, I must tell you that I am impressed with the amount of rank and file support garnered by the SU MEC. I do hope that it goes your way, but as another poster said, it is gonna be a tuff road for you folks.

It appears to me that the end result must be making your owners understand why they need to pay more for the service so that the pilots and others within NJA can receive better pay for services provided. (It takes more than just the pilots to keep the train on the tracks. You, the pilots, do need the assistance of a wide variety of other folks within the NJA organization. It would really be fun if you had to coordinate logistics on your own.)

In the end, it does boil down to what the owner is willing to pay and whether the owner believes he is receiving the quality of service he is paying for.
So now that you have a new MEC, what's next? When do negotiations begin again? When do you expect results?
Thanks for the kind words,'Friend. The company has also shown their "appreciation" in the last few days. They threw a lavish party that pilots were excluded from and then came up with a monetary gift AFTER the pilots started complaining and BEFORE the crush of the holiday flying began in earnest---very interesting timing. The pilots and their families will spend the money, but most DID look the gift horse in the mouth and saw that it had rotten teeth...

Once again, they have offered far too little, way too late! 3.5 years and still no contract! Let the company put some REAL money where its mouth is, for a change!
Gray Eagle, no one in SU has ever suggested that the pilots WON'T have to fight for what they have coming to them. What the pilots ARE pleased about is that FINALLY they have leaders that WILL stand up to the company and DO communicate with the rest of the group. The fact that SU also recognizes the need to educate the owners can be seen in their website; they've created a section just for owner issues.

Flyer172r, negotiations are scheduled to begin again on Valentine's Day--how sweet...:) The whole NJ affair has been full of symbolism. SU was an early Xmas present and the votes were counted at a Hilton on Chagrin Drive...too funny and so appropriate! The (UN) Prepared Slate lost by an overwhelming margin much to their chagrin...lol.

As for results, which do you mean? A new TA? Or proof that SU is coming out swinging? The first is a matter of speculation at this point. Perhaps we'll get a better feel for the time-frame once they begin negotiating. SU will certainly be keeping the pilot group informed of their progress. Results that prove SU means business can be seen already. Their new website, "unveiled" yesterday after the votes were counted, reaches out to the owners ---a brand new direction and tactic, never tried before. The billboard in Columbus should be up by now, unless it was delayed due to weather. After the holidays, a reputable company will begin polling the pilots at SU's request. The volunteers have been working hard to help prepare/arm the negotiating team with the facts and figures they need to make "our" case. "Our" being the NJ pilots and their families.
In asking about results, I was looking for informed speculation about when a new TA might be reached, or at least a general timeframe, i.e. a few months, a couple years. But I am glad that you guys are getting the representation you wanted, I'm pulling for you all the way.
OK...you've twisted my arm...lol. Because I like the symbolism I've seen in the dates, I'll go with Spring time for a new TA. A fresh start, a new beginning and this reminder...:) I live in Colorado where Spring doesn't come as quickly as it does in other parts of the country--that gives me some leeway in my guess.
The new TA will happen when the company meets the pilots demands for industry leading wages, work rules that promote safety, a logical basing or domicile system, a strong scope clause, and a scheduling system that would benefit both the pilot group and the company. Strong Union, or ASAP (Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots) or soon to be International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local number ____ (fill in the blanks) will drag Netjets and for the matter, the rest of the fractional industry, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century whether they like it or not. If they don't, they will cease to exist in the present form.

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