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United and Continental Talking....

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And it's the fattest city in America so ..... the food must be tasty. :)
Is this R.W. in DEN? If so, what's up? I wouldn't worry too much about being furloughed. A few reasons why I wouldn't if UAL and CAL merge are:

1) UAL is still short on pilots. The recall classes that are planned through FEB07 weren't created for future retirements. They were created because UAL is short now. The recall classes would have been more frequent or in larger numbers this year if TK could have handle it mapower and resource wise. At worst, I see recalls slowing down or stopped for a while but I wouldn't anticipate any furloughs.

2) If it is CAL, they are short also and hiring like crazy. They also have a bunch of new aircraft coming next year. I don't think all of the hiring they are doing right now is in anticipation of the upcomming retirements. Some of them maybe. But not most. I think most of the hiring they're doing is being done because they need those new bodies NOW.

3) A lot of folks are anxious about being urloughed again but I can't think of a merger that resulted in furloughs after the fact. I'm sure there may be one or two cases but I can't think of any right now. Heck, even after AMR bought TWA, that didn't result in any furloughs. That didn't happen until after 9/11. After AMR bought TWA, they were STILL hiring about 30 pilots a week and there was some overlap. Even though there was a lot less overlap, no furloghs have happened since Airways and America West became one. Yes, AmWest stopped hiring, but they didn't furlough. And Airways furloughees are still coming back.

So I'm not saying it could happen, anything can happen. But, I wouldn't be overly concerned about it right now. Thye haven't even announced anything yet. We're so far away from when an integration would come. By that time, UAL could possibly be all the way back up the list again. There are more than a couple other factors that would get us re-furloughed before a merger will.

D-Bo aka A.F. from your new-hire class in 3/2000 if this is R.W. I'm talking to.

That is a very poor analysis. Many of those furloughs were coming either way. AA was desperately looking to park the F-100 (read JUNK). As I recall that was about 100 airplanes (= furloughs). They had already said they would not keep 757's with different engines over the long term (= furloughs). They were not going to keep DC-9's (= furloughs). They did not intend to keep the 717 (= furloughs). All of that was pre 9-11. Other than that, your analysis is right on.

Originally Posted by densoo in January 2007 http://forums.flightinfo.com/images/...s/viewpost.gif
CAL pilots have had how many changes of leadership (union and otherwise) in the pilot group in the past 10 years? They can't even get it together and stabilized within the pilot group, much less get an equal shake vs management in the last contract. Just last week a new LEC was voted in at IAH. Nothing is settled at CAL.

Originally Posted by densoo
Now there is a recall afoot for an elected rep who hasn't even taken office yet. Where does it end?

Originally Posted by EWR FO
That's a little bit of an exaggeration, wouldn't you say? The faction behind the noise can't seem to swallow the fact that their days are over.

Less than a year later and now there is another recall afoot to remove current CAL MEC chair. Contract negotiations and mergers are going to be fun when they can't settle on one guy to lead just one complete term. Company's gotta love it.
CAL EWR B737 said:
I was talking about the new IAH reps to take office in March. Now combined with the EWR reps our two largest bases have very strong, forward looking reps who are not afraid to make tough aggressive decisions. I was suprised by the MEC officers annoucement and I respect their decision.

Back during the IACP days we had a very strong leadership but an inherently week union with little or no resoucres. Then we brought in ALPA and all of it's muscle and we elected weak leaders (Contract 02 disaster) supported by a ununifed membership.

Today we have for the first time ever, strong leadership, a solid union and a unified pilot group (because of all of our hiring and attrition). I look at recent events as extremely positive. The CAL pilots are now a force to be reackoned with.

The above was written in Dec 2006. So discouraging. Here it is 13 months later and CALALPA LEC leadership just gave a no confidence vote on the MEC Chair for, among other things, apparent absenteeism. He refuses to recognize this as binding. So they'll be a more binding vote (?) later this month to oust him. And all this in the middle of contract negotiations.
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Yeah, but Snake did get us preferential hiring and furlough protection/rights with COPA last week.;)
Well, yet another one goes down. CAL MEC Chair voted out today. How many does that make who haven't completed a full term since CAL has had IACP followed by ALPA?
Well, yet another one goes down. CAL MEC Chair voted out today. How many does that make who haven't completed a full term since CAL has had IACP followed by ALPA?
What exactly was the issue with the Master Chairman? Why the recall? Any idea who the replacement will be?

1) Weather: Do I really need to get into it? TSRA+Tornadoes/Hurricanes/Flooding/Humidity/Heat

How often you think this happens? In almost 3 yrs here, maybe once or twice has it affected me. I'll take heat over cold anyday.

2) People: Overall, about as smart as President Bush#2. Drive pickups with large dead animals in the bed or strapped to the hood to "properly" display them. Drive like crackheads. Plenty of Continental scabs in all the best neighborhoods, better keep your garden tools locked up at night.

Don't live there so really can't comment.

3) culture: beer on ice at every gas station. And thats a bad thing?

4) Real Estate: Losing only 10% on resale is a great investment. Sure this is true in other cities as well.

5) Environment: Depends on how many chemical plant/refinery fires there are in a given year.

Then don't live next to one.


1) It's cheap--wonder why?

2) NASA is cool.

Its a hell of a lot easier commute for me than going to Newark. Nuf said.

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