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Union/Non-Union Merger

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I didn't see thousands of Delta flight attendants out of work after their merger. Aren't they non-union? Nice job trying to spread the fear, but I'm not buying it... I bet there have been more jobs lost in union-union mergers and acquisitions. TWA, Frontier and Midwest to name a few...
I didn't see thousands of Delta flight attendants out of work after their merger. Aren't they non-union? Nice job trying to spread the fear, but I'm not buying it... I bet there have been more jobs lost in union-union mergers and acquisitions. TWA, Frontier and Midwest to name a few...

Leave it to a BoB to compare pilots to flight attendants. Brilliant. Shouldn't you and your buddies be working on what BOB you are trying to get elected in the next PVC election? Maybe you guys need to start another union/BOB list.
I didn't see thousands of Delta flight attendants out of work after their merger. Aren't they non-union? Nice job trying to spread the fear, but I'm not buying it... I bet there have been more jobs lost in union-union mergers and acquisitions. TWA, Frontier and Midwest to name a few...

Yeah, you'll be fine. What could go wrong?
I didn't see thousands of Delta flight attendants out of work after their merger. Aren't they non-union? Nice job trying to spread the fear, but I'm not buying it... I bet there have been more jobs lost in union-union mergers and acquisitions. TWA, Frontier and Midwest to name a few...

An acquisition of JetBlue may or may not result in the merger of operations like NWA and DAL.

The new merger statue does not require it and our PEA doesn't prohibit an purchaser from operating us separately.

If you think our PEA does please post the text.
The delta flight attendants haven't integrated yet- a big issue is the union status- it isn't a fun position for delta fa's right now having no representation in a merger
An acquisition of JetBlue may or may not result in the merger of operations like NWA and DAL.

The new merger statue does not require it...
That's not *entirely* accurate.

If jetBlue acquired a unionized carrier, the unionized carrier could (and probably would unless they thought they were better off separate) file for single-carrier status with the NMB.

The only way they would NOT get single-carrier status is IF jetBlue operated that certificate COMPLETELY separate. Different headquarters, different management, different operations center (dispatch, mx, etc), different aircraft, ZERO mingling of personnel. Somewhat like what Pinnacle did with the purchase of Colgan.

Once single carrier status is obtained, the carriers would integrate. Period. Unless you have the pilots or mechanics drawing things out in court for years a la UAir/AWA...
I didn't see thousands of Delta flight attendants out of work after their merger. Aren't they non-union? Nice job trying to spread the fear, but I'm not buying it... I bet there have been more jobs lost in union-union mergers and acquisitions. TWA, Frontier and Midwest to name a few...

The lack of SA in this post is breathtaking.
That's not *entirely* accurate.

If jetBlue acquired a unionized carrier, the unionized carrier could (and probably would unless they thought they were better off separate) file for single-carrier status with the NMB.

The only way they would NOT get single-carrier status is IF jetBlue operated that certificate COMPLETELY separate. Different headquarters, different management, different operations center (dispatch, mx, etc), different aircraft, ZERO mingling of personnel. Somewhat like what Pinnacle did with the purchase of Colgan.

Once single carrier status is obtained, the carriers would integrate. Period. Unless you have the pilots or mechanics drawing things out in court for years a la UAir/AWA...

Sort of like AA and AE.

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