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Underage drinking ticket

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
Back when I was 19 I got a underage drinking ticket while I was camping in Mich... we only had a 6 pack and were not bothering anyone the darn DNR snuck up on us... anyway I wasn't arrested or anything just had to pay a fine didn't even have to go to court as is was just a misdemeanor. I'm just a bit worried about brining this up on an interview. should I? I don't think it's on my record but I don't know for sure. Anyone got any ideas?
Back when I was 19 I got a underage drinking ticket while I was camping in Mich... we only had a 6 pack and were not bothering anyone the darn DNR snuck up on us... anyway I wasn't arrested or anything just had to pay a fine didn't even have to go to court as is was just a misdemeanor. I'm just a bit worried about brining this up on an interview. should I? I don't think it's on my record but I don't know for sure. Anyone got any ideas?

Be honest. Everyone has had sh!t happen when they were younger. Tell them what you learned from it and move on. A guy I interviewed with had the same thing happen, he was up front about it and still got the job. You don't want to be the guy who gets yanked out of training because you lied about something that later came up on your background check.
Don't sweat it... They probably won't even bring it up. If they do, just say something about being a dumb teenager and move on.
One of my buds got one either a week or a couple weeks before his 21st birthday...

If it shows up in your interview just explain it the way it is, you were young and didnt wanna follow the rules. Add something about learning a lesson and youre golden! He|| being up front can get you out of almost any situation in an interview these days...
come on now how many of us waited till we were 21

I was actually pretty tired of drinking by the time I turned 21. I was in the military and worked with a great bunch of guys. ;)

Back when I was 19 I got a underage drinking ticket while I was camping in Mich... we only had a 6 pack and were not bothering anyone the darn DNR snuck up on us... anyway I wasn't arrested or anything just had to pay a fine didn't even have to go to court as is was just a misdemeanor. I'm just a bit worried about brining this up on an interview. should I? I don't think it's on my record but I don't know for sure. Anyone got any ideas?

I know crap loads of people in the airlines that had an underage drinking charge, and a few that had DUI's. You will be fine, exept for the fact that you will be working for the airlines
Back when I was 19 I got a underage drinking ticket while I was camping in Mich... we only had a 6 pack and were not bothering anyone the darn DNR snuck up on us... anyway I wasn't arrested or anything just had to pay a fine didn't even have to go to court as is was just a misdemeanor. I'm just a bit worried about brining this up on an interview. should I? I don't think it's on my record but I don't know for sure. Anyone got any ideas?

I don't know if it's the same where you are, but in FL there aren't U/A drinking tickets. Sometimes they will give a "notice to appear" which is getting arrested, just they don't take you to jail. From a legal perspective it is the same though. This means if there's a question about ever being arrested someone would have to say "yes" even though they didn't go to jail or get handcuffed or anything like that.

Just a thought.

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