This didn't seem right, but maybe I am wrong. I went to cavu's website and as I was trolling through the site, I clicked on "Aircraft System DVDs". Under this section Cavu claimes the following about the B757 and B767; '[font=arial, Arial, Helvetica][size=-1]Although the B-757 and B-767 are separate type ratings, the systems are remarkably similar'[/size][/font]. Is that true? I thought the 75 and 76 were the same type rating! It then goes on and instructs you to order with confidence! WTF?????? Anyone know if I am mistaken? If they are in fact the same type and Cavu states differently, then I would not buy a thing from them as this would indicate they do not know their own subject matter. That would be a pretty big mistake to make. Please Advise.
Here is the Link:
Here is the Link:
Lead Sled said:There's another company out there that has software that runs on PDAs and Palm Tops. I don't remember right off hand their name, but I understand they've also got a pretty useful performance program. If any of you are interested I'll look around for their info.
I found the website:
I've never used their program, but I understand it's OK.