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UflyMike, TSO, and the regs

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King of Belize
Nov 9, 2005
Is it a federal REQUIREMENT to use TSO'd communications gear under part 121? There has been some debate at my unnamed carrier, which recently came out with an email saying "You can use the filthy, cheap-crap headset already in the airplane; OR, you can use a super-expensive TSO'd unit, but those of you with a UFlyMike are hosed. Put it away."

Everyone was using them, until some jackass (I'll beat you if I ever find you) either complained, or asked the question that shouldn't have been asked, regarding this setup to our management.

I understand the company can make up pretty much any rule they want, such as no reading, but in my mind, there is a difference between a company rule and an FAR. Thanks, I'm a bit hacked. :mad:
Technically yes. Is there a TSO'd microphone and headphones on the flight deck? That is what is required. It doesn't say that they must be used for each transmission/reception. They must be available for use.
Technically yes. Is there a TSO'd microphone and headphones on the flight deck? That is what is required. It doesn't say that they must be used for each transmission/reception. They must be available for use.

Yeah, there's a boom set c/w spittle-encrusted microphone and a Boeing WW2 surplus hand mike available. What little hearing I have left, I'd like to protect, and if there's one thing I dislike about the 737, it's the noise. When the company provides TSO'd ANR equipment, I'll use it, but until then I'm going to use my UFMike. Thanks.

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