how stupid is this? yeah that's what I want to do with my free time, "fly" around in a box just so I can get some more ink on my ticket.
screw the types, go out and buy a super cub and have fun.
There is always an idiotslike you...THIS IS FOR FUN... not actually going to do it, but I guess you rather think of you crapy airline that doesn't pay you what you really want or that your schedule is crap and that you are pilot God and you decerve evrything....
I guess you don't know what fun is because you are a PRO Pilot and I am just a moron that asks stupid questions....
read its for fun!!!!!! RELAX!!! or if think its stupid ignore it and go to another thread!!!!
FUN PEOPLE FUN question is like a wish list not actually goNna do it.......MAN........................