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Pinnacle management has the last laugh in this.

All the TWU has done in the last two years and will continue to do is save the company loads of cash at the expense of the actual people the TWU appears to protect. The TWU has done NOTHING.

You TWUers might as well take a 9mm and shoot yourself in the foot. Same scenario. You're idiots.

The workers the TWU idiots claim to protect with a 'contract' are the workers I wish management would fire anyway. The TWU group is the most worthless non-working needy and whiney group of idiots I've ever seen in my life.
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I ran an unscientific analysis of the TWU-represented dispatch office contracts against the overall average (for that segment) of the industry dispatcher pay.

In all aspects (including the majors) the averages of the TWU-represented offices were substandard with respect to the overall industry average; UPS is apparently the exception with their contract (unless FDX blows them out of the water).

It is posted at the main page of the WDFF website...
I ran an unscientific analysis of the TWU-represented dispatch office contracts against the overall average (for that segment) of the industry dispatcher pay.

In all aspects (including the majors) the averages of the TWU-represented offices were substandard with respect to the overall industry average; UPS is apparently the exception with their contract (unless FDX blows them out of the water).

It is posted at the main page of the WDFF website...

Too bad the dispatchers in our office never really took the time to look into this themselves. They just swallowed everything the union told them. Soon our non-union crew sked dept will be making more than the dispatchers. Almost there already.
Too bad the dispatchers in our office never really took the time to look into this themselves. They just swallowed everything the union told them. Soon our non-union crew sked dept will be making more than the dispatchers. Almost there already.

Solidarity is everything. It sounds like you don't have it. Maybe you should focus your energy on unifying the group instead of trashing the TWU and its supporters. It doesn't matter what union is on the property - you are still going to complain. If everyone in your group stepped up and acted as one management would have no choice but to listen. When the vote goes down the way it did, management wins. You are right, they are laughing. They are laughing at you, not at the TWU. Their conquer and divide tactics worked.

Solidarity is everything. It sounds like you don't have it. Maybe you should focus your energy on unifying the group instead of trashing the TWU and its supporters. It doesn't matter what union is on the property - you are still going to complain. If everyone in your group stepped up and acted as one management would have no choice but to listen. When the vote goes down the way it did, management wins. You are right, they are laughing. They are laughing at you, not at the TWU. Their conquer and divide tactics worked.


You obviously have no idea what our office is like and don't know what it WAS like before August of 2005, Alpine.

Your argument is typical of the pro-union herd that is common. It's a bandwagon argument that everyone jumps on assuming everyone needs a union. My dogs need a union too, I'm sure.

Alpine, why does Pinnacle need a union? Please answer this for me. I'm curious about YOUR opinion on MY company and MY working conditions. That seems to be the basis on whether or not I need a union.
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Solidarity is everything. It sounds like you don't have it. Maybe you should focus your energy on unifying the group instead of trashing the TWU and its supporters. It doesn't matter what union is on the property - you are still going to complain. If everyone in your group stepped up and acted as one management would have no choice but to listen. When the vote goes down the way it did, management wins. You are right, they are laughing. They are laughing at you, not at the TWU. Their conquer and divide tactics worked.


Well isn't that special. We are going to make the managment "listen" to us. "JM you never really listen to me anymore. Can't we just talk". Sounds like a bad date to me that I have been paying for for over two years now. Now If your going to preach on the divine blessings of unions why don't you tell me what I gave up over 2 years worth of raises and bonuses for.
Ya know...I'm not a pro-union guy...nor am I entirely anti-union. I just think each situation is different.

That said, I'm really sick of the pro-union, "you're with us or you must be stupid and we hope you fail if you don't vote one in" rhetoric on this site from people, like Alpine, who likely have no clue (or have a very limited knowledge) about the specific situation.

Not every work group will benefit from a union...some will.

Maybe Pinnacle Flight Control was just fine without one. It sure seems that way.
You obviously have no idea what our office is like and don't know what it WAS like before August of 2005, Alpine.

Your argument is typical of the pro-union herd that is common. It's a bandwagon argument that everyone jumps on assuming everyone needs a union. My dogs need a union too, I'm sure.

Alpine, why does Pinnacle need a union? Please answer this for me. I'm curious about YOUR opinion on MY company and MY working conditions. That seems to be the basis on whether or not I need a union.

I do not know your Company and I did not say you needed a union. I was commenting on your situation after the recent vote. Based on the numbers, your group is divided. Management wins.
Well isn't that special. We are going to make the managment "listen" to us. "JM you never really listen to me anymore. Can't we just talk". Sounds like a bad date to me that I have been paying for for over two years now. Now If your going to preach on the divine blessings of unions why don't you tell me what I gave up over 2 years worth of raises and bonuses for.

Divine blessings? You guys kill me. Good luck!

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