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To Scab Or Not To Scab

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Active member
Jan 30, 2003
Here I go again- sticking my butt out in the breeze...

I am having a hard time blaming furloughed pilots who accept positions at Freedom, or the new Republic, or a jet-for-jobs situation.

Some of these people started working at an FBO washing airplanes when they were 16 just to get a discount on their private certificate... and never really had a job outside of aviation. Furthermore, some received an aviation science degree which from several friends who have it say it's worthless, even as a pilot (and for those you who are proud, relax, I'M NOT THE ONE saying it's worthless... I just reiterate).

So here you are- furloughed, not marketable in the aviation world or any world for that matter, and your fragile family life is even more strained because of money. And dipping into savings just to buy mac and cheese, and second-hand shoes for your two kids is getting old.

All of a sudden, a phone call comes in detailing the proposal- come fly for us, but were non-union and not liked in the industry.

Hey.. I'll stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all the airline pilots in the world... but at some point, I'm going to be selfish and protect my own interests first. Sometimes strength in numbers leads to a groupthink mentality (e.g. Bay of Pigs), and eventually leads to your demise... United Airlines anyone? Yeah they're united alright... and the herd is jumping off the cliff.

A friend of mine had a good suggestion- pilots should be like electricians, plumbers, etc. We have a national union or a "hall", and when airlines want to hire, they must go to the hall first. Just a thought...
An older and wiser and now retired airline pilot told me 2 things not to do in your airline career, #1 cross a picket line and #2 buy booz with a credit card. I condsider working for one of these places like freedom just as bad as crossing the picket line. Everyone else is trying to raise pilot pay at the regional level. By working for these places that whor themselves out you are destroying everything the rest of us are trying to achieve.

One thing to consider, if you go work for Freedom, all the airlines that they undercut, those pilots will remember that YOU basically screwed THEM. Pilots don't forget things like that. So you had better hope that one of those pilots doesn't go to work and do the hiring at the airline you really want to be at or have wanted to work for all your life, because s/he may hold a grudge and if you come in wanting a job they might say, oh, you worked for freedom, we'll be in touch!

Something to consider
Just one man's opinion ...

In reverse order of the points you made ....

A national union ? This idea has been bantered since I started in the business more than a fews ago ...

Consider this ... given ALPA's current crisis state and the existence of APA, SWAPA and non-union carriers like JetBlue; what possible chance would there be unite this industry ? IMHO ... in the near term (10 years) ... absolutely NONE !!!

That having been said, and my previous assertion proven incorrect, explain how do you construct a national seniority list? By DOH ?

Ask the folks at UAL about their possible one list scenario based on DOH when USAirways was looking to be adopted.

Does this one list allow you to move from carrier to carrier without penalty?

Can a national contract ever be realized ? If so, product differentiation (full service v. low cost carriers) would have to perish. The end result of this scenario would be air travel being a commodity, no different than Light Sweet Crude ?

As far as your 'Scab' ideas ...

I strongly encourage you not to do it, consider it or align yourself with any carrier that promotes it.

This industry's members have long memories. Some of my contempories might want to chime in.

If you are old enough to remember CAL 1983, PanAm 1985, EAL 1989 and UAL 1985, I strongly sugguest you revisit the history.

Don't make the mistake of discounting the fact that PanAm, EAL are no longer in business.

You might be surprised how strongly some people treat you once you make it on the supposed 'non-existent' list.

As I said ... just one man's opinion.
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IF an ALPA furloughed pilot takes a job at Republic or Freedom do they have to give up their seniority number at their former airline?

IF you say NO, that makes them SCABs as far as i see
They are taking work away from already established commuter airlines.
Wow guys, just to re iterate what I said before, when I read these posts I wanna puke. I have a very close friend who is laid off, mortgage, 3 kids, one with a medical problem, and has some very hard problems rite now. He was telling me that Freedom wanted to hire him he said yes. Unfortunately I told him about this site, he looked, read all the things everyone was saying about Freedom and Republic, and declined the position in fear. His wife found out, left him and took the kids. All because people dont want to accept circumstances. Think about it, if he took the job he would keep doing what he loves (he does not do it for a paycheck) his spirits would be raised, family life would be better, benefits would come back etc. etc. etc. Instead he is where he is. I cant tell anyone what to do and it was a decision he made and has to adapt and live with it. Can someone please let me know how actions like this can be justified. All the folks that are in psoitions to "remember" let me know what you would do if someone interviewed, was questioned as to why they went to an alter ego company, and gave an explanasion that was acceptable. Would you look beyondand hire that person if they meet and exceed all requirments, or would you give him the thanks but no thanks. Also, does being a good pilot mean anything anymore or do you have to know unions, rules, probation issues, etc. Is there any joy anymore in going to the airport for work? I may be ranting and raving and I am sorry. Please, will some people chime in and let us all know whats going on with our dreams.


oh my....


can of worms man.....can of ugly worms.
you might wish soon you had a can un-opener.
Hard to Understand

I just have a hard time watching or listening to ANYONE putting down another piloe (we are supposed to be a family, remember) for going to work to put food on the table for his family, to keep that roof hover his or her head, and to keep clothes on their kids' backs. Come on, this is a really tough time for everyone. Would it be in a furloughed pilots BEST interest to continue in his current state of unemployment? Call me selfish, but i think watching out for myself and my family comes first to anything else.

Just my .o2. Keep em centered
Sounds like your buddy's wife has problems with men with integrity. That's not the union's fault.

Actually they decided to seperate to keep the kids from negative feelings due to money and trying to find a job. I stated it wrong earlier, sorry, they are still on good terms, they just had to part ways for a while to keep try and keep everything in check. I have to commend them for doing what is rite for the kids...:( :( :(
avratdwc said:
... His wife found out, left him and took the kids. All because people dont want to accept circumstances. Think about it, if he took the job he would keep doing what he loves (he does not do it for a paycheck) his spirits would be raised, family life would be better, benefits would come back etc. etc. etc.

Sorry to hear about that but I just don't believe he doesn't do it for a paycheck. Sounds like a financial thing to me.

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