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To all mesa pilots

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flying in asia
Nov 27, 2001
In the 6 Nov US Airways code-a-phone, the MEC states that negoitions with mesa are still ongoing for the jets for jobs program. For a long time you have herd a lot of people complaining about the pilots at contract carriers taking routes when it is really management that we should be angry with. But soon, the Mesa MEC and pilots will have to vote on J4J. You know that the future of 3 airlines will depend on your vote. A yes vote for jets for jobs will allow you to grow a little and have half of the seats filled by outsiders. It will also end the career of many pilots. A no vote will show the rest of the aviation community that you will not do anything just to get a little bit more flying. A no vote will give a lot of people a chance to keep a job, and no one at mesa will lose anything. A no vote will get you a lot more support for your ongoing contract fight and your fight against freedom airlines.

If and when you get to vote on this program, just remember what you are voting for.
"A no vote will show the rest of the aviation community that you will not do anything just to get a little bit more flying." Hasn't that airline been built upon the pilots giving up anything and everything just to get a little bit more flying. Eight days off a month, 16k to start, no cancellation pay; I can't think of anything else these guys could have given up in order to get more flying. In fact I think that they are single-handedly revolutionizing the airline industry. I don't think they care about gaining the respect of the aviation community. J4J is inevitable at Mesa.
To the 1900D FO

You are single-handedly redefining stupid.....You have posted some stupid stuff on this board in the past, and singleing one out as being particularly vacant is challeging, this one is, however, very close. For a long time now I could count on you as being the most ill-informed and cluless on the subject of aviation in general, and particularly cluless on the topic of Airlines. I hate to bring facts to the issue at hand, but like all other forms of ignorence, it must be fought where it is found. Since getting a long over due law against dumba$$es from owning computer passed is harder, I'll put a few facts on the table. Listen up bevis, Mesa has NEVER GIVEN UP ANYTHING TO GET FLYING! NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE! You are apparently refereing to other airlines who have been participateing in wage givebacks that are BELOW Mesa's SIX YEAR OLD RATES! Do your homework, and then after Jacka$$ is over, you can have your computer privilages back........
I agree that this J4J vote could determine every W.O. pilots future. It's inevitable that the W.O. are not going to be the "Ritz" of places to work in the future-but we're still here and I hope and prey that Mesa and CHQ pilots, along with all other contract carrier pilots, will see that they have somewhat secure jobs, long-term contracts with U, and see that the only gains for them would be flying to some new cities in new airplanes-half of which will be flown by mainline pilots, making captain's pay in the right seat.

I've said before on this board it's not the pilots at the contract carriers, it's management at U and their respective contract carriers. I've got no beef with any pilots trying to make a living-but please understand that our airlines, jobs and near term futures are completly in the hands of the pilots at the contract carriers.
China Clipper
I really got you going with that one. I imagine you work for Mesa as I have posted numerous anti-mesa statements in the past and my profound distaste of your company must have offended you many times.

When Mesa pilots began flying rj's they did so at bargain basement, rock-bottom, embarrasingly low wages. Not to mention what has got to be some of the worst work rules in aviation for any comparable carrier. Since you prefer to use capitals letters: MY STATEMENT WAS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT AGREEING TO FLY 50 SEAT RJ'S FOR DOG$HIT WAGES AND PATHETIC WORK RULES IS, IN FACT, GIVING UP QUITE A BIT. While technical you guys never gave concessions I would argue that the very act of agreeing to those industry-substandard wages was giving up quite a bit to the detriment of all other regional pilots.

China Clipper please direct me to some of my past posts that you thought were "ill informed and clueless on the subject of aviation in general." Just for my own personal edification I would like to see where my aviation knowledge was "particularly vacant"
here's the deal. Freedom is going forward as a USAirways contract carrier. Ten year contract and no J4J there. For every CRJ-700 that comes on line at freedom they are pulling off a CRJ-200. These aircraft wil either be used for J4J or returned to leaseholders.

Two scenarios for mesa. We accept J4J and allow mainline pilots to take 1/2 the seats on the CRj-200's WE ALREADY FLY or there will be BIG FURLOUGHS. Kinda nice to see your CEO threaten to allow other pilots to displace you right out of the bottom.
Funny how freedom was created to get around the USAirways scope and they end up using it as a CODESHARE PARTNER! Meanwhile , leaving all us mesa pilots loking for a new job while they hire off the street. Good one, ALPA and MESA.
Who is hiring?
First, I didnt start this thread to bash Mesa. So please dont hijack the thread.
Second, I dont think that mainline guys will get half of the seat of your current jets. LOA 81 clearly states that it has to be an additional vacency for a mainline guy to flow back. Correct me if I am wrong, but that is what my copy says. Mesa will be there if they do not agree to J4J.
Third.....while this all totally sucks, I will definately enjoy watching the mainline guys work under mesa's contract. or PSA's or any other place that they go....we just started hot reserve at PSA and since they will all go to the bottom of the list, I hope they like the PIT crewroom for 10 hours a day.
Hey d328pilot,

What's your lease situation? We here at PDT are losing 7 more on the 1st and rumor has it 5 to 7 more in March! Big furlough coming!

Mesa dudes,

I got off the line yesterday, and an ERJ CA in CLT told me that Freedom Air was "dead in the water" then I went home and heard mainline hotline, where they want them at US Airways-I thought the whole scab airline was being created to service America West-what gives?

ALPA regional pilots, or as national calls us "Express pilots" need to unite and get rid of all this whipsawing. This is getting out of control! We were in CMH two nights ago and CHQ was departing for Tampa in Delta colors-management is taking advantage of the bickering in this union and getting airlines to fly against each other, in my opinon to break the union if one carrier takes a strike.

Look out ASA-CHQ is ready to take your jobs if you strike!
this is what i have been reading

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From: "mesa_is_4_me" <mesa_is_4_me@y...>
Date: Wed Nov 6, 2002 6:46 pm
Subject: Expect More Furloughs

JO has already struck a deal to let AWA out of the commitment to Mesa Airlines for the current 25 CRJ 200 in exchange for more CRJ 700/900 at Freedom. He is probably going to pull down Denver, Now that 32 CJR 200 that will be sublet, 32X 10 pilots is 320 furloughs, If we do J4J and place all 32 aircraft we will only need to furlough (50% Airways Pilots) 160 pilots, Now the propaganda will be that IF we do not take J4J He will have to furlough many more pilots than if we do participate. I believe He will furlough, The ONLY way to stop the furloughs is to capture the Freedom Expansion that was planed for Mesa and participate in J4J. With that said it's going to get worse before it gets better, I suspect Jo will announce Furloughs around Christmas, or just before the December launch date announced for J4J with airways. We must keep our eye on the Ball, Even though I will be furloughed with the reduction in fleet I believe it must happen in order to protect ourselves long term. Costing, I spoke to NC Member and he had a very different picture of the costing exercise; Jo is undervaluing the pilots proposed savings and inflating the Cost of
the compensation. I am not an EFA specialist but ALPA has experts and if ALPA EFA department claims Jo is wrong I must believe them, BTW who would do the costing for the company Zack, Alan Lowery? None of the company reps have every cost anything accurately before. So hold on tight, we are in for a wild ride. ALPA EF&A has stated the companies costing of the perdeim is over stated by at least 40-50%, again I am not a Economics expert but ALPA has them, and the company
does not. I ask Jo one Question, What percentage increase over
current pilot payroll if HE got every thing he asked for, and then
what will the Freedom Payroll Be for the first year. I doubt we will
get an answer.
"Look out ASA-CHQ is ready to take your jobs if you strike!"

The Teamsters union at CHQ would never cross an ALPA strike.

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