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Tips question

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Hey -- I love McD's -- especially a Big Mac. I'd feel bad NJA were referred to as the Arby's, Krystal or White Castle of aviation.

And if NJA ever got to the point of "billions and billions" served, I think the pilots would do much better.

But then NJW would have to change her name to McDonald'sofAviationPilot'sWife -- MCAPW.

Fly safe.
'Owner, that would be a mouthful..lol...of a name for sure!

Lord W, that is an interesting observation about the European px/owners. When you consider that the tip is already included in restaurant charges there, it is even more surprising. So I don't think it's the culture. Perhaps the perceptions (of pilots being well paid) are different?

Hawkered, that's an excellent post! Too bad I can't say the same for that of your "evil twin". I just ran into him on another thread, spewing his usual venom. Very disappointing, to say the least.....:(
netjetwife said:
interesting observation about the European px/owners. When you consider that the tip is already included in restaurant charges there, it is even more surprising. So I don't think it's the culture.

I never really thought about it, but it's true! Last month, I even had a European Owner (Brit) give me and the F/O 100 Euros each. To my knowledge the British don't use Euros. Maybe that's just his tip money?

netjetwife said:
Perhaps, the perceptions (of pilots being well paid) are different?

How is it that they know more than U.S. owners?
Crawdaddy, I was afraid that wasn't going to be clear. What I am suggesting is that perhaps the sales info in Europe doesn't give those owners an impression that the pilots are highly paid. As we saw in the excerpts from the letter 'Owner shared w/us (thanks again, for doing that) the company brags on its pilots in NJA. It would be reasonable for owners to expect that a company that takes "great pride" in its pilots would pay them accordingly. Isn't there less competition in Europe? If so, then they wouldn't need to use the pilots as a sales pitch there, as they are doing here----

"Our pilots are the most professional and service oriented aviators in the industry, and we will work hard to reach an agreement to compensate and motivate them."

If there is a notable difference in the amount of tipping between the 2 groups, perhaps it is a result of what they have been told about the pilots.
Netjet Owner,

To be honest, you seem to have handled yourself with incredible humility, considering the bashing people give you on this board.

It makes me admire you.

Hope you move up to a bigger plane soon and bring some of your humble, but ambitious buddies with you. We could use a few more of you!
Netjet Wife,

Thanks for the card and kind words. You do have the interests of the pilot group in mind when making your comments.

I certainly respect the position of your husband and the many sacrifices that both of you have had to make for our country.
Thank you, Hawkered. It wasn't always easy--the AF life--but it was worth it. He enjoys his job at NJ, as well. The only problem is that it isn't worth it--YET! We are hopeful that that will change. I'd love to see a good contract for the NJ pilots help pull up wages for the rest of the industry. I feel badly for all pilots and their families that are in this situation. It isn't fair and it isn't right! I have learned that families of civilian pilots have a tough life, too. In the military, families can at least feel that their sacrifices have helped the country. There is no satisfaction in wondering if your family's difficult lifestyle is helping to make those like WB even wealthier.


Netjet Wife,

Tell your husband that if we all had wives out here nearly as supportive as you, we would be putting in a Senate or Congressman bid, not worrying about message boards.

You would run an incredible campaign!

Happy Thanksgiving!
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Thanks for the kind words, Hawkered! You have a pretty supportive wife, yourself...:)

Speaking of campaigns...the one the FAILED MEC is running has been based on fear and falsehoods. I know how upset you were over the ballot fiasco, Hawkered, and their latest stunts/letters are just as bad! They are wasting time. As if 3 yrs weren't enough!!

Before I get carried away and forget what I stopped by for....:) I'd better say that I have a card for everyone----


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