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Tips on Sentient?

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beware of sentient

they do everthing possible to completely annoy everyone except the passengers. I hate flying sentient trips. the phone calls from sentient are the most annoying. they call you before and after each leg.

i cant believe these stupid rich people actually pay their outrages rates.

they are a scam.

a couple of years ago, we had to decorate our aircraft with sentient crap. I.E. pens, pads, toy airplanes, and fake business cards. all had the sentient name on it, so their dumb rich passengers think that they are flying sentient's aircraft. i just glad that the fed's caught wind of it.
I must say the pens are quite nice. We dont have too many problems with the company. I think that early on they would harass our crews but that has not happened since I have been here. They feed on the ignorence / arrogance of their wealthy clients. How else could they convince people to pay their rapes ... er, I mean rates.
Their propaganda ends up either in the baggage compartment or garbage depending on which crew is flying. I thought that the pilot checklist we got from them recently was rather amusing.
Has anyone heard the story about how the company started? I was told that they used to be a vacuum cleaner repair company that had a name similar to the local 135 charter company. They would get the occasional wrong number asking about booking a charter. One day they took up the offer and brokered their first flight. Pretty enginious really, they have vurtually no overhead.
**Disclaimer**: I have no proof that the above story is true. This is a rumor that has circulated our company. While it does seem a bit absurd it is quite believable once you have met a Sentient rep. The lady that came to look at our plane at DAL was totally clueless. Her aviation background was that she had flown as a passenger a few times on an airline. I guess by that rational eveyone is an expert.
Sentient jet

uscpilot said:
I must say the pens are quite nice. We dont have too many problems with the company. I think that early on they would harass our crews but that has not happened since I have been here. They feed on the ignorence / arrogance of their wealthy clients. How else could they convince people to pay their rapes ... er, I mean rates.
Their propaganda ends up either in the baggage compartment or garbage depending on which crew is flying. I thought that the pilot checklist we got from them recently was rather amusing.
Has anyone heard the story about how the company started? I was told that they used to be a vacuum cleaner repair company that had a name similar to the local 135 charter company. They would get the occasional wrong number asking about booking a charter. One day they took up the offer and brokered their first flight. Pretty enginious really, they have vurtually no overhead.
**Disclaimer**: I have no proof that the above story is true. This is a rumor that has circulated our company. While it does seem a bit absurd it is quite believable once you have met a Sentient rep. The lady that came to look at our plane at DAL was totally clueless. Her aviation background was that she had flown as a passenger a few times on an airline. I guess by that rational eveyone is an expert.
If Sentient Jet would call run as far and fast as you can.This would be my best advice on this company to anyone out there in the aviation business.

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