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Tips on Sentient?

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BOZO said:
They only "own you" if you or your company lets them. We will not accept a trip one way. Most of the time it is 100% BS when they tell you they have a backfill to get you home. If it's a drop, then it will be agreed that we fly the plane back home or they are more than welcome to find somebody else to do the entire trip. It's too bad more companies don't have a backbone when dealing with them.

My company is the same way as yours. We always return home from one of their trips. Actually I think that I have only done day trips for them always returning home.
I actually like the pens too! I can't say too much nice about the rest of the company, but I've had no problems with the pens.

At least they can no longer insist that we tell the customer that we are "employed by Sentient"!
Some of those dispatchers there are real cornballs; most are OK. They will play game with you, too; example:
"You didn't call us with your times last leg."
"I did call, and gave the times to so-and-so. Ask him/her." I always write down who I'm speaking to with them. CYA!
I don't like the pens, but the pads of paper are all over our house. great for shopping lists or phone messages.
I like the big napkins for blowing my nose and checking the oil (in that order).

Had a visit from the local Sentient rep here at KDAL today upon landing. Stopped by with the digital camera and note pad. I did get a niffty baseball cap out of the deal.......(and more pens).

My 5 year old daughter loves the note pads. She can scribble through an entire pad faster than I can detail through the catering.

well ya see it was a 2-way but the leg back to our base area was the one that got cancled, after we allready did 3 out of the 6 total legs. thats when we had to sit so i dont know if my company could have done anything since sentiant had us booked for 3 days not 1. WHo knows i just hate doing their trips.
I am on a Sentient trip right now. Been left in a extremely small town in the middle of nowhere. Accomodations are my absolute bare minimum, no car, no decent food. Had McDonalds for lunch and Sonic for dinner. It's spectacular!
CaptainSpaz said:
I am on a Sentient trip right now. Been left in a extremely small town in the middle of nowhere. Accomodations are my absolute bare minimum, no car, no decent food. Had McDonalds for lunch and Sonic for dinner. It's spectacular!

This does not sound like Sentients problems .... they suck, but remember, they own nothing ... including your airplane. Do not like it, move it and bill 'em. Of course you need to handle this before you get there.

Have fun ;)
Sentient Flights

G100driver said:
This does not sound like Sentients problems .... they suck, but remember, they own nothing ... including your airplane. Do not like it, move it and bill 'em. Of course you need to handle this before you get there.

Have fun ;)
Most Bottom Feeder 135 companys will kiss there butt for the opportunity to fly for them.
My last 135 company became a bottom feeder, and we flew a load of Sentient trips. Having to describe over the phone the contents of a fruit salad was an all time low. We would reposition at cost (I think we lost money in reality), and would fly fully loaded aircraft with unappreciative passengers who would trash your aircraft and be upset that they didn't get the upgrade to a Challenger for their return trip - we mainly used our Lear 55.

It certainly sounds like they still don't understand the aviation side of business, the CEO when we were flying was in the hotel business before. And it showed.

We depended on them WAY too much for our business. Why do I know this? Because we went bankrupt and they were our main source of business.

Diversify your customer base and use Sentient on your terms, when you need to fill in some down time. It's not a bad way of doing charter, even if they are a tad "type A".

I'm no longer in 135 (91 has its down side too) - I don't miss those Sentient trips at all.

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