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This Just In... More Mesa Contract info

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Crashcave Lounger
Mar 28, 2003

Mesa Airlines Contract Responsible For SARS Outbreak.

In a statement earlier today, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced they have traced the deadly outbreak of SARS to the Mesa Pilot Contract.

WHO plans to hold an international scientific meeting in Geneva to review the epidemiological, clinical management and laboratory findings on SARS and to discuss global control strategies based on this latest development.

"Originally just a common cold virus while in the TA form, it went crazy after the darn thing was signed," an unnamed source for the WHO stated.

"The plot is beginning to thicken," James Baily of the International Research Center said in a phone interview after the announcement about SARS by the WHO. "Frankly I'm not surprised," he said. "We have been following this contract with great interest over the last few months and have already linked it to the entire collapse of the airline industry."

Baily states that "we have definitive links to it causing the bankruptcy of both United and US Airways, the furloughing of thousands from Delta, CAL and American not to mention its affect on the other regionals."

"It is even responsible for what Whiskey Driver has been saying lately, I mean just look at his inane points of view regarding the industry in general, this is obviously SARS induced mental retardation."

The FBI is now hot on the trail, Reuters has learned. In a statement issued yesterday, the FBI will open a Grand Jury investigation linking the Mesa Contract to 5 of the terrorists involved in the September 11th attacks. "The investigation is obviously in its early stages," Special Agent In Charge Dale Davis said, "but I'm sure this will open a fresh trail to ensure this never happens again."

As this story unfolds, we at Reuters will bring you more updates.
Knowing that your POS contract is what other airlines are going to use to browbeat their repsective pilot groups in hopes of lowering the bar, can't be easy.

Perhaps making light of the fecally-enhanced contract which Mesa voted in helps to ease the pangs of guilt.

Anyone for an over/under on how long before the MECs currently in negotiations have the MESA PWA thrown in their faces???
Funny to me

Good work Grog.

Don't forget that the ozone layer is still rapidly being depleted. That obviously is from all the methane released from the $hit that is printed in the Mesa contract.
Re: Funny to me

Jetscream32 said:
Good work Grog.

Don't forget that the ozone layer is still rapidly being depleted. That obviously is from all the methane released from the $hit that is printed in the Mesa contract.

Is sell out spelled with one "L"?.....

It's good to see that someone can put a good light on the Mesa contract (nice story Grog).

You guys can try to justify it all you want, but the fact is you aided every company that is busy trying to bend over its pilot group.

They can now come to the table with "look what Mesa signed....they are an industry leader..." You guys took a matter of a week to undo everything acheived by Comair and Air Wisky.

To those Comair guys out there, thanks for everything you did.

To those Mesa guys (the 78%), our management thanks YOU!

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Good post Lazy8 and thanks to grog for mentioning me. I like the fact that you mesa guys take pride in what you have done to our industry. Thanks again grog!!

wd you never replied about how we are suppposed to force the company into giving us what we want when they had the alter-ego?

will you?
Sorry JD. I thought I did. Let me go back and reread all of that crap and see.


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