YUM overnight
PSP....121 deg.
YUM....118 deg.
BFL.....120 deg.
SGU.....105 deg.
LAS......116 deg.
.......with bad packs
Ugly FA's with no mute button
Stupid people handing you their car keys in front of the hotel
Waiting 45 min. for van at LAX
Hotels that don't bake cookies
Stupid people standing in front of the Baggage claim sign...asking you how to get to Baggage claim
The super cool business man who watches you preflight and asks you if you are "winding up" the props
Same guy asks if this "little guy" has to "flap it's wings" to fly
AA gate agents that say they don't have enough time to list you for the jumpseat...you'll have to call...which NEVER works....and in the 1:34 seconds you take to explain that nicely...they could have listed you
757 jumpseat
MD80 jumpseat
A_____ lets see some creative responses here
The regional pilot coch-walk,you cool badarses..jesus...you guys are so entertaining...maybe this belongs on the other list....maybe it deserves it's own thread...TBD...you're not cool...you're just chilly..and chilly ain't never been cool.
Crews that are too cool to wave, nod, smile.
4 day trip with Captain Obvious
...who recites the start cycle EVERY time..."fuel flow,rotation, T6"....
....and takes 10 minutes to explaing his fuel decision every leg and calculating it because....you know..he's just babysitting me.
.....and starts quizzing you about approaches as you are hand flying the approach at LAX with GS out
.....and takes his time bringing up the power in an EMB 120 for taxi because of dangerous "breakaway thrust"
.....and quotes Top Gun with a super cool pilot voice
i'm sure there's more....
PSP....121 deg.
YUM....118 deg.
BFL.....120 deg.
SGU.....105 deg.
LAS......116 deg.
.......with bad packs
Ugly FA's with no mute button
Stupid people handing you their car keys in front of the hotel
Waiting 45 min. for van at LAX
Hotels that don't bake cookies
Stupid people standing in front of the Baggage claim sign...asking you how to get to Baggage claim
The super cool business man who watches you preflight and asks you if you are "winding up" the props
Same guy asks if this "little guy" has to "flap it's wings" to fly
AA gate agents that say they don't have enough time to list you for the jumpseat...you'll have to call...which NEVER works....and in the 1:34 seconds you take to explain that nicely...they could have listed you
757 jumpseat
MD80 jumpseat
A_____ lets see some creative responses here
The regional pilot coch-walk,you cool badarses..jesus...you guys are so entertaining...maybe this belongs on the other list....maybe it deserves it's own thread...TBD...you're not cool...you're just chilly..and chilly ain't never been cool.
Crews that are too cool to wave, nod, smile.
4 day trip with Captain Obvious
...who recites the start cycle EVERY time..."fuel flow,rotation, T6"....
....and takes 10 minutes to explaing his fuel decision every leg and calculating it because....you know..he's just babysitting me.
.....and starts quizzing you about approaches as you are hand flying the approach at LAX with GS out
.....and takes his time bringing up the power in an EMB 120 for taxi because of dangerous "breakaway thrust"
.....and quotes Top Gun with a super cool pilot voice
i'm sure there's more....