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the whole problem

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Seeing the light
Nov 27, 2001
I've read this board for about 3 years now.

I've seen the discussions here go from comments a few year ago like 'don't worry, there will be jobs for all of us' to huge threads now about TAs, pay, bigger RJs, etc.

While the 'good times' of a couple of years ago have done, I've decided that I know why this industry is in the shape it's in and why it probably will always be so.

It was made crystal clear to me when I was flying with a former student, and we were talking about RJs, regionals, and all that goes along with that. When the issue of pay came up, his exact words were:

"You know, I don't care if they only paid me 5 bucks an hour to fly, I'd do it"

Yes, really! He was serious, I asked him over and over to confirm his feelings!! And this dude was a 31 year old Electrical Engineer with a wife and 2 kids!!!!!!!!!!

Now, while this 'kid' is very naiive, I think his attitude is that of so many out there-they are just so stoked to walk around the airport in their blue polyster that they really will put up with just about anything to do it.

Is it really that cool to them? Do the little glances ("Oh look, a pilot!") from old people and little kids really mean that much?

While I will be very happy doing what I set out to do, I don't get where that attitude comes from, and I see it as one of the main problems wee face.

just ranting

I don't know of ANY pilot who hasn't felt that way at some point. We all love it. At least we did when it was "new". The change come when it turns to a job. Flying GA and instructing you have a lot of control over the situations/flights/destinations ect. When you start with the airlines you have no control. I loved flying the ATR because no one bugged us. VFR all the time. NEVER talk to dispatch or crew sced. If the weather was good in the area it stayed good for awhile. Now in the RJ you traverse 1000 miles through all kinds of weather and your not even allowed to order your own fuel! We are just along for the ride. There to point the plane in the right direction, handle a few irregularities, and not embarass the company.

It gets hard to enjoy the view at FL350.
Jokes on us here's WHY?

The pilots are getting screwed as many managements take advantage of us in some tough times. How do they sleep at night? Just as a shakespaerean plays HERO has a tragic flaw so does a pilot. They display their flaw on this website day in and day out. Our flaw is we love to fly. Management knows it but many pilots (usually the younger or lowtime) don't care for themselves and choose to be stupid and use....... What do we do if we stand and lose our jobs?
What lil' whiners!!! Why don't you think for yourself and do something for a change rather than you letting management determine how well you can feed yourselves. There are other jobs out there that pay better like the ramp agents, and customer service agents who make more money than you and certainly will continue to do so for a long, long time if you keep this up. Why don't they take more pay cuts like pilots continue to do? THEY DON'T HAVE TO, THEY DON"T LOVE TO FLY, LIKE YOU DO!!!! Management knows this......Shocked are you?
I decided to go back to Flight instructing. This is one option if you love to fly. $21-$30 an hour, I average 37 hours a week...You do the math.. For now it'll serve a purpose. If you don't love to fly....certainly you are not doing it for the money?! So why wouldn't you stand up and fight.
Most of us have a college degree and flight training let's say that the avg. pilot has $35,000 in debt for the above mentioned. You will never be debt free going backwards in wages. We deserve a better wage ask PAX's they believe we are underpaid. Handle your business. We should be able to get along, but we try and blame others for our own decisions. Choices have consequences make the right choice. Be responsible rather than creating a scapegoat. I'm out!!!!!

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."

- George Bernard Shaw

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