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The sound of a can of worms at Eagle

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
A question for the Eaglets here...

As you know, Eagle announced the selloff of 19 ATR 42s to Federal Express. The first one to be sold in June, the last in December of this year.

My first question is...

Will this enable Eagle to replace the ATR 42s that are being sold with jets to be crewed by Eagle pilots? My interpretation of the APA/TA is that AA furloughees will only occupy/flowback into positions created by "incremental aircraft deliveries". This was elaborated as being aircraft deliveries resulting in a net increase to the Eagle fleet size as of the date of signing the TA. Selling 19 ATRs allows Eagle to get 19 more jets, does it not? And these 19 replacement jets cannot be crewed by AA furloughees, because it would not result in a fleet increase, just a replacement.

My second question is...

Do you think the most recent furloughing of 60 Eagle pilots was a ploy? In the APA TA, it is written that AA furloughees will not get CRJ captain positions until Eagle FOs are recalled/hired. Were these Eagle pilots just bait? Were they furloughed only so that the company could recall them in a month or two to allow some room for AA pilots?

They bought them from both COEX and Eagle!

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