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The Shaw Group

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2004
Hey...Need some insight on the Shaw Group in Baton Rouge LA.

** QOL
** Pay
** Benefits
** Health care
** Equipment
** Why are they always looking for Pilots?

Any info would be of great help.

I'm guessing one of two things. The nose gear situation in Houston may have yielded a new position or two. Or, the turn over could be that the man you would be working for and flying around isn't known to be easy to work for. He is under investigation right now by the SEC I think.
I hope they didn't let that crew go, from what I read it was a mechanical failure...

So do you know anything else about the company or CP?
I should have told you that I got all this second hand. My friend from back in college flew a charter trip for them this summer after the gear issue with their Gulfstream. This is all from him and what he learned from his trip flying the owner. I really don't know anything else. I'm sure a google search will give you some more insight on the company and its future. I do know that the owners wife likes to wear alligator boots and travels with matching luggage.
good company

I have had several friends work at Shaw Group.
They are a publicly traded company which specilizes in industrial construction ie. power plants & refineries.
They have projects going all over the globe hence the need for G-4 and G-150 from 2 westwinds and a G-3.
Flight department wise they have had lots of turmoil due to pilots moving on to better offers. Long time DO,CP amd DM recently left the company.
They are politicly active and do alot of weekend travel to sporting events along with the usual normal work week.
Lots of Flying. New Management is in place, Who knows???? The department has ben a revolving door now for about 4-5 years, ever since it became a flight department. They may turn it into a Fortune 500 flight department one day. It is stable, if that is what you are looking for.
Ditchpilot and Pushntin,
Thanks for the insight...Sounds like great potential...Im wondering about QOL...
If you all think of any other important info please let me know...
Random SGR Memories

I was there from 2000 to 2003 when they bought the two Westwinds. We had three aircraft and seven pilots....lots of flying, 80-100 hours a month. I believe everyone from that era are elsewhere now.
We saw the company grow by leaps and bounds with acquisitions and construction projects everywhere. I understand that they have now gone global with the arm of the company that specializes in military contracts.
They are (were) VERY politically active, many trips to IAD and TEB. Numerous golf outings to the Masters (AGS), Pebble Beach Pro AM and PGA , Pinehearst (SOP) wining and dining customers, politicians, etc. Some trips overlapped and the schedule(?) was very fluid. It was not uncommon to RTB and go home to recycle to suitcase and head back to the airport for another multi-day trip. I understand that there has been some reform on the schedule, lets all hope.
I can tell you that the members of the executive level do have houses in the typical trendy areas, Aspen, Vail etc. The CEO is an avid, no make that RABID LSU football fan, and likes to attend every game.
I am sorry this info may be dated, but I am sure that customer wise, not much has changed. Be prepared for pop-ups, weekends and some long hours/days on the road. If anyone has any specific questions fell free to PM me.

Just so you know there IA-JETS are for sale, and there is no planes to replace them.. dose anyone know where M Moore there old CP went..
CP, DO, DOM all left late fall 2007....

Their looking for Westwind pilots....

Operate G150's and one G III.....GIV is still getting fixed...

New Cp seems nice....
Must live in BTR...

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