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The pool is very shalow at Air Willy

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Two things before the man takes the floor, DairyAir and when you get here you will find that he is the man but keep in mind there is only one TrickDaddy:cool: and that's me. The chances of you getting stuck as an f/o on the 328 is remote the 18 month lock comes once you upgrade and for good reason. Second and the most important of all is that you are now employed at not one of but the best national airline in the business. Class assignment is based on your age so oldest picks first. The amount of a/c coming on the property (RJ'S) are the ones I would think you will see the most slots on. We hire a lot of Capts from other airlines so many of them want the 328 for the super fast upgrade. In any case welcome to AWAC and enjoy. I will see ya when you get on line.

WD aka The TrickDaddy:cool:
I have a friend in the new hire class 9-9-02 and they were all assigned the 328.

The way the seat lock/pay protection issue works: 18 month seat lock on both fo and ca seats awarded as of sept. If a seat locked 328 CA has seniority to hold another ca position (CRJ), then they will be paid CRJ CA pay while in the 328 CA position.

This triggers the creation of a 328 "phantom" CA position. The most senior 328 FO will then be paid 328 CA pay while sitting in the 328 right seat. This trickles on down, so that at some point there will be a number of 328 pilots making much higher pay.

The seat lock goes into effect when a pilot is awarded any 328 position. i.e., the new hires in last weeks class will have a 18 month seat lock as 328 fo's. They are, however, allowed to bid and hold 328 CA anytime within those 18 months. When they can hold a 328 CA position and are awarded that, they get a brand new 18 month seat lock as a 328 CA (any remaining balance of the original fo seat lock is erased, and is not added to the new seat lock. And, only 328 FO's may bid 328 CA slots.

Hope this helps for those of you pondering the 328 deal.

I am aCaptain at PDT and have been there for 4 years now. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the morale at AWA. I know that it can't be any lower than PDT's. I am thinking of applying in the near future and want to know how happy AWA's pilot are in general about their company??
AWA: is usually referring to America West, bud I's pretty smaat.

Moral is good to high. The future of the company looks good and most of the pilots here realize it's a good deal. Chicago is starting to grow for us again and sometime in the next few years a new terminal will be built to accommodate either ACA or us. ...the other carrier takes all of the facilities on the to-be-redone F and parts of E concourses. We're in a unique spot for three reasons. One, with SkyWest dominating the West coast and ACA on the East, as the routes start overlapping it seems to be AirWis that goes into the established hubs... meaning while we're based in Denver and Chicago, we fly out of Los Angeles, San Francisco (in the winter), Denver, Chicago (as mentioned), and Dulles. This will only continue to expand as for another reason: We only have 26 RJ's with 38 by Feb and 2 a month afterwards. We're at the beginning or our growth, not the end. The third reasons is that AirWis has a slightly different operating agreement with United than the other UAX's and we're able to operate at a bargain for UAL. We're not expecting UAL to come to us to negotiate our costs if they declare bankruptcy.

...and of course everyone knows about the pilot contract.

I'm not Polly Anna. The trips are good but Crew Sked is awful when trying to drop, trade or pick up trips. There is still a bit of a power trip among some of the people up in Appleton that prevents efficient use of crew sked. We look forward to the system failing over the next year as we nearly double our pilot group. As I understand it, only ONE person is authorized to make decisions about trip trades and she's busy working on IOE skeds and the like.

That's my biggest complaint and I rarely have to deal with it.

Life is good!!!!!

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. . . . you are now employed at not one of but the best national airline in the business. [/QUOTE]

Glad you're happy where you're at, but Jet Blue, Frontier, AirTran and probably Midex and Spirit all have pay, work rules and compensation packages far above Air Wille, and those are just the first ones that come to mind.
I wasn't going to respond but I guess I have to now. First lets look at Jet Blue, I consider them along the lines of SWA so in reality they are major airline material. Frontier, we ahve people on the property today that earn more they their senior capts they top out at $90,000. Airtran better starting pay but as the years go on we catch and over take them also take a good look at their work rules and compare them to ours plus with pay they are like Frontier they top out less than us. Mid Ex, pilots on furlough and I don't have info on their contract but I have put in a call to a friend of mine who flys there so I hope to get it soon. Sprit airlines need I say more, not even close and **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** lucky to still be in business.

Setting the record straight about AirTran

Wiskey Driver said:
Airtran [has] better starting pay but as the years go on we catch and over take them also take a good look at their work rules and compare them to ours plus with pay they are like Frontier they top out less than us..

Sounds like you are using some pretty old info. AirTran is in the second year of a four-year contract:

AirTran first year FO pay is $37.50/hr, (versus your $24./hr). A 2nd yr AirTran FO is paid $54.00/hr and a 3rd year Capt. at AirTran makes $106./hr.

Max Capt. pay, AirTran is $156./hr for a 12th yr pilot, so please explain your statement that AWAC pay "tops out higher"?

You should double-check our work rules, too. Our duty rig is 4 hours, versus your 3 (from your company website). Our max duty day is 12 hours, line holders are guaranteed 12 days off, but most lines are 14-19 days off. I've averaged 16-17 days off during the first year, on a fully commutable line.

I am just trying to set the record straight. If you guys got a better contract than this, congratulations. In any event, congatulations for working at a company you like working for, especially in this market.
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Not trying to defend anyone...But, I also hear that at AirTran, if you wind up with an unscheduled layover in your domicile, per contract, they provide you with a hotel...correct me if I'm wrong.

AirWis does that too.

Yea Flip,

I can't tell you how many times in the last two years that's happened to me. We always get treated well in that respect, we even had a month where every over night to one dest was cancelled and they always put us up in domicile. Despite what many may think, this is a hell of nice place to work.


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