Why is the company doing road shows again? Rick Handj_b has been in Dallas and in St. Louis spreading the bs again. This time he is telling the pilots they are working more because the Options pilots are intentionally breaking airplanes. If an mvf fails 4 times by 4 different pilots, I think it was a legitimate write up. Why the lies from Handj_b? How about trying to cover up the fact the Options side is understaffed. The company furloughed too many pilots in their last temper tantrum, and now it is biting them in the arse.
Maybe someone from Union leadership or PLC can answer this - if RH is out spreading these lies isn't he guilty of defamation of character to Options pilots? He personally should be held liable for spreading these lies. Its provable that some Flexjet pilots think lesser of Options pilots due to the lies and defamation RH and Onesky mgt spread - thus defamation of character lawsuit would be warranted. Hope the union goes after him and Onesky and sues him for all he's worth.
Regardless - it would set a precedent and make the other management types think twice before they disparage and threaten those who don't agree with UK. Its one thing if claims are factual but another when 10% truth and 90% deception is used. Sort of like how RH disparaged the Options pilots for calling in fatigued a lot, now the Flexjet pilots are starting to enjoy our schedules and see why we have fatigue calls. Never mind that the word is out there that RH told pilots in recent recurrent to not call in fatigued but to call mgt and "work it out". I would love to hear what the FAA would say about that one. Maybe one of the guys who got fired by RH and his vendetta to make himself look better in front of UK's altar would like to chime in.
Call mgt and "work it out" sounds like they are going to start pilot pushing the Flex pilots like they did the Options pilots before we formed a union. The days of the Flex pilots going to the hotel early are numbered. This company is good-real good- at saying one thing in public, and expecting something completely different when nobody else can hear. Put them on speaker phone with the other pilot present. CYA
And a " safety stand down"? A major announcement but it really doesn't mean what it says. The BS continues to spew out of the orifice that has become to be known as the Cleveland shuffle.
We are in the process of picking an arbitrator. Needless to say, management wants to skew and delay the process. This is a crucial step, so we need to make sure we get this right. Also, don't forget, we will be back in front of Judge Gwinn in the near future. We'll see how he likes management ignoring his ruling on the VSP.
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