There aren't huge changes for OH in that bulletin. Some holiday CX's as one would expect and re-times. Flights well into the new year. Now that can change, but there's no sign of massive shutdown in either the A or B sked release.
Really? Really?
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There aren't huge changes for OH in that bulletin. Some holiday CX's as one would expect and re-times. Flights well into the new year. Now that can change, but there's no sign of massive shutdown in either the A or B sked release.
Through the portals of Comair have passed a great many of the finest airmen in the world, bar none.
It was a great privilege for me to have known and worked with so many of you; a highlight of my very long career that I will always remember with great pride and a broad smile.
To those of you that I knew - thank you for a great experience. To those that I did not - the very best of wishes.
Tailwinds and godspeed to all of you. Sayonara ...............
CMR (Retired)
Agree on the Comair part. This is BS treatment by Delta.
Per the Obama comment, you clearly are a F*&^Tard.[/QUOTE]
First - as I mentioned earlier, sincere condolences to the Comair folks out there. Terrible situation and I hope you find better jobs soon.
Profit - Really? You're a big talker who can't support your statement. Where are your facts? Can you support your statement? It's easy to talk big and sound real cool - but you need to support it with facts or you sound like another tool...
You want some facts? How about these facts:
1. Worst economy in the US since the great Depression - for the last 3.5 years with zero improvement
2. 8.2% official unemployment rate but a real unemployment rate exceeding 18% including those chronically unemployed who have dropped out and those who are under-employed (part-time jobs)
3. 50+% of recent college grads unemployed
4. By November 2012, the unemployment rate for Black people could easily be close to 21-22% according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
5. $5 trillion in NEW debt since Obama entered office
6. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $3.90 billion per day since September 28, 2007.
7. $800 Billion in stimulus with no improvement in the unemployment rate - it is only growing
8. The average Canadian is now wealthier than the average American
9. Americans on average have lost 45% of their wealth in the last 3.5 years
10. Foreclosures continue to happen at the highest rate in history
11. Gas prices are 81% higher in the Obama Administration than they were in the Clinton Administration
12. 49.5% of Americans paid no federal income tax in 2009 - that's 151.7 million people
13. Obamacare will add 26 new taxes for large and small businesses
14. Although oil drilling is stastically up in the US since Obama entered office, 98% of that new drilling happens on private land (i.e., in North Dakota) where the Federal Government has no say in the matter. Obama has a failed energy policy
15. The Keystone pipeline project would have created 25,000 US jobs before Obama stopped it. Now the Chinese have agreed to buy a huge Canadian oil company (this week) - China will get more oil/gas while US fuel prices increase
16. Increasing taxes for the top 1% like Obama wants, will provide enough tax money to fund the US government for a total of 7 days
Should I continue? Had Obama focused hard on the economy in 2008-9 as the top priority, perhaps things would be different. If Obama had agreed with and implemented the Simpson-Bowles Plan (since he actually commissioned the study) instead of ignoring the recommendations, perhaps things would be different. If Obama were a CEO, he would have been fired for non-performance. But he couldn't become a CEO because he has ZERO business experience and he does not understand economics. So, can we really afford 4 more years with Obama? How much more will our debt grow in the next 4 years? The economy MUST be the top priority and Obama clearly does not understand that point...
So, Profit and 727C47, where are your facts that Obama has grown and improved our economy after 3.5 years??? Show me the facts. I'm waiting....
This picture says it all:
Sorry to the guys at Comair, I wish y'all the best of luck.
Johnson, I know you didn't really start the fight and your facts are spot on, but I would have to say this is not right thread for the rant.
God Speed and tailwinds, Comair Pilots... from an AA Pilot, a strike fund contributor, and an admirer. Thank you for the jumpseats and most of all, for taking a stand when nobody else would! Your pilot group is an inspiration.
As a former emloyee I am very sad to hear that Comair is being shut down. It was a great place to work (pre buyout) and I'm sorry that Delta has finished their hatchet job on a good company. I guess this shows were Delta's priorities are, and its not on customer service.
I hope all the employees at Comair land somewhere, and wish my former coworkers the best of luck.
Gator - agreed. This is a Comair thread and what has happened is terrible - I have friends who are current Comair pilots and this is a very serious situation for them and everyone involved.
Unfortunately, this ignorance about the actual facts and the implications of this worsening economy is very widespread. Too many people (including big talkers like Profit) don't understand the facts about the economy... I think everyone should re-read those 16 facts and actually think about the implications...
It was a great place to work post buyout. The 89 day gap during 2001 for no reason is what began the end.
AFTER the 89 day gap is when the culture changed. It was never the same.
This wasn't Delta's fault, it was the union and the continued interference every time Delta wanted to bring new aircraft on the property or make the cost structure competitive.
It's amazing to me that the elephant in the room isn't being addressed in this forum, because it can happen again and everybody is ignoring it.
The other regionals formally owned by Delta are thriving, so what does Comair have that the others don't?
A union that killed the golden goose...
You are a fool, you don't even know what I think. I have voted Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian in my lifetime. I own a lot of gold. So read between the lines..
But making a lame political grandstand and quoting Fox News in this thread makes you a jerk and an opportunist. Lots of good people will be out of a job. That is what matters here.
I'm not going to waste ANY time arguing politics with you. Anyone who clips info from either solely Fox or solely MSNBC doesn't have an open mind.
Yeah, as a former Comair employee I was SO inspired that the union took the stand when nobody else would and began the most expensive and scope limiting contract in the industry.
JC and Cory must be proud of the demise of greatest regional airline ever, for it was the two of them that decided Comair needed to be different than all the others and be used as an example. Had that 2001 contract been negotiated on good faith, Comair would be thriving today. This wasn't a Delta problem it was a union problem.
As Lorenzo is blamed for the shutdown at Eastern, JC and Cory are equally at blame for the shutdown of Comair. They should live in equal infamy.
It was a great place to work post buyout. The 89 day gap during 2001 for no reason is what began the end.
AFTER the 89 day gap is when the culture changed. It was never the same.
This wasn't Delta's fault, it was the union and the continued interference every time Delta wanted to bring new aircraft on the property or make the cost structure competitive.
It's amazing to me that the elephant in the room isn't being addressed in this forum, because it can happen again and everybody is ignoring it.
The other regionals formally owned by Delta are thriving, so what does Comair have that the others don't?
A union that killed the golden goose...
So after all these years, Comair will now be just a flight school located in Sanford, Florida.
Very sad.
Unbelievable. JC and Cory had the balls to stand up and try to make the regionals a place worthy of a career, and you heap derision on them? I certainly don't agree with everything that JC did or said, but he was a good man and a good trade unionist, and he should be thanked for his many years of hard work. The same goes for Cory.
My sympathies for everyone at Comair. You guys ran a great airline, stood up for this profession repeatedly, and you should be proud of the airline that you helped build, even though Delta may be tearing it down now. You'll all be in my prayers.
Wow, look at the hostility. I think the vast majority of Comair employees are good people that now find themselves in a bad situation, a lot like many of our furloughed people after 9-11. Losing your job is not a good thing, and I wish those good people the best of luck landing a better job.
Bye Bye---General Lee
Finally a post you can be proud of. I usually don't like reading your posts, but that was well said. To all comair employees, I am sorry. You deserve better. Thank you for making my life, and the lives of thousands of airlines emplyoyees better.. best wishes. You are welcome on my jumpseat anytime.
Unbelievable. JC and Cory had the balls to stand up and try to make the regionals a place worthy of a career, and you heap derision on them? I certainly don't agree with everything that JC did or said, but he was a good man and a good trade unionist, and he should be thanked for his many years of hard work. The same goes for Cory.
Are you kidding me?
I take one good thing from our demise......JC lost his job finally although he has been "retired" for years with all the money he has made off Comair Stock back in the day.
I had the displeasure of flying with him and you couldn't pick a worse captain to fly with! Ask his son how his Delta interview went? I feel bad for his son! I still remember our first leg out of JFK when I moved to the 70/90. And I quote "Ummm have you ever flown this departure before." I had already been up at JFK for 2 years at the time flying the ghetto crusier. First time I had ever thought about taking over the plane if we had an emergency. I could go into more detail about his lack of basic knowledge.
I guess JC is laughing all the way to the bank! Cory is no better having bided his time and moved on to ALPA national. I still have to live with his behind closed doors LOA's he made with scheduling!
Glad it's over with! Finally closure! I finally took a dump that has been held in for 6 years! What do I have to show for it.....nothing! 3000 SIC hrs in a CRJ! And don't play the "should have moved on argument on me"! Chasing an upgrade never works. The proverbial carrot! We still have guys waiting for an upgrade at the newest low bidder in the DCI system!