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The dirt on Silverhaw* Aviation

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Time to party!

There will be a S-Hawk closing party held at the Red fox on wednesday for all the past employees to celebrate the departure of the Allen's.Now Don has to run back to Idaho with his tail between his legs like a real man. Ha Ha Ha....
good ole wang has returned to say everybody bring your party hat.
wang said:
good ole wang has returned to say everybody bring your party hat.

"Everybody Wang Sung tonight!"

... wait a sec, that was "Wang Chung". Sorry, wrong Wang!

Hehe, I couldn't resist ;)

Seriously though, did Silverhaw* finally get sold? Incredible. Would love to see a newspaper article on it.
TrailerTrash said:
Is Pinnacle Airlines pay so bad you have to bum money off your buddies?

What are you talking about tard? And yes the money a pinchanickle is that bad.....

buckwheat said:
What are you talking about tard? And yes the money a pinchanickle is that bad.....
Get a real flying job and maybe I will let you hang out with a cool person like myself.Line guys rule!
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Buckwheat plus A&P ability

northh45 said:
Would You give this guy a raise? He couldn't even cut it as a line guy. CHI99LA080On January 31, 1999, at 1630 mountain standard time, a Champion 7GCAA, N9668S, operated by a commercial pilot, sustained substantial damage during landing roll near Alliance, NE. The personal flight was operated under 14 CFR Part 91. There was no flight plan on file. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The pilot reported no injuries. The flight originated from Alliance Municipal Airport, at time 1615, for a local flight.

According to the pilot's written statement, the pilot flew over a friend's house and decided to land in a field adjacent to the house. The pilot stated that upon landing, on the plowed farm field, he, "... proceeded to get on the brakes and there was just no grabbing between the tires and the dirt field." The pilot stated that he applied more brakes, and, "... all of the sudden, the tail came up and the airplane nosed over and flipped onto its back." In a

telephone interview with the pilot, the pilot stated that the landing was made

to the north.

Post accident investigation showed that there was substantial damage to three wing ribs, two wing struts, and the vertical stabilizer. A functional test of the brake system was conducted and no abnormalities were found. No other abnormalities were found with the accident airplane. Weather reports for the area reported winds from 150 degrees at 8 knots.

*Raises are based on performance buckwheat. Not just because you showed up to work most of the time (late). *

Since when did ole Buckwheat get to be an A&P??? and put wrecked aircraft back together out in open fields???

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