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The dirt on Silverhaw* Aviation

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2004
Worked for this shi* bag operation for about four years always promised a raise next quarter but never got it because the money just never came in. The owner of the company always seemed to award himself with a new harley or new pickup every six months though. You got your ass chewed out by the chief pilot if you wrote up an airplane with maintence issues because it would not be ready for the trip the next day. Would promise pilots days off and never give them. Would fire people on whims because they were trying to better themselves as pilots. Paided SIC in king air's $75 for 12hr shift... My advice stay far away......

tried listed this company on this website with no avail you try it though

The dirt on Buckwheat

Would You give this guy a raise? He couldn't even cut it as a line guy. CHI99LA080On January 31, 1999, at 1630 mountain standard time, a Champion 7GCAA, N9668S, operated by a commercial pilot, sustained substantial damage during landing roll near Alliance, NE. The personal flight was operated under 14 CFR Part 91. There was no flight plan on file. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The pilot reported no injuries. The flight originated from Alliance Municipal Airport, at time 1615, for a local flight.

According to the pilot's written statement, the pilot flew over a friend's house and decided to land in a field adjacent to the house. The pilot stated that upon landing, on the plowed farm field, he, "... proceeded to get on the brakes and there was just no grabbing between the tires and the dirt field." The pilot stated that he applied more brakes, and, "... all of the sudden, the tail came up and the airplane nosed over and flipped onto its back." In a telephone interview with the pilot, the pilot stated that the landing was made to the north.

Post accident investigation showed that there was substantial damage to three wing ribs, two wing struts, and the vertical stabilizer. A functional test of the brake system was conducted and no abnormalities were found. No other abnormalities were found with the accident airplane. Weather reports for the area reported winds from 150 degrees at 8 knots.

*Raises are based on performance buckwheat. Not just because you showed up to work most of the time (late). *
Cut the guy some slack...

Did it ever occur to you that he was late because he was stuck in a field next to a friend's house with a busted airplane?

Jeez, some people.
Thats true, I never considered that.

The funny thing is, now this is just word of mouth it may not be true, but I heard that he didn't own the aircraft. Word is he loaded it on a trailer that night, took it back to its hangar and tried to put it back together before the owner found out. He was hoping that the guy wouldn't notice, I guess. I don't know about you, but I think I might notice if my plane has been flipped over on its roof in a field, whether its all put back together or not.
TrailerTrash said:
The guy will never make it in aviation and this is coming from a former S-Hawk line person.

that's funny dumbshi* i'm flying with a 121 carrier right now and will be upgrading as a captain in a month, what are you doing now as*hole still pumping gas on the line.

Eat the corn out of my shi*

bucky out

Your statements really don't impress me at all it only proves that anyone can fly for Pinnacle Airlines including yourself.
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