i remember that plane well, I have a lot of hours in it. It had RAM props with no VG's, plus had the higher gross weight. If I remember we used to launch out of DTO early and go to dallas love, to do the qualex.
It was one of the strongest planes they had, the only thing I didnt like about it was the KX-170 radios, but it had a GPS.
Im really sorry for your pilot. You can bet it was mechanical failure of some sort. I hope they figure it out. His family should sue.
Its Strange. I begged for this job. I walked my resume about 3 times. Finally got a call in August of 2002 from Poul Morse and was offerd the job i declined it for a chief pilot position at a flight school. My heat goes out to his family and freinds.May God bless your soul.
Everyone should look at the post on the General board, it has more info. The news reporting about him not able to maintain his position was somewhat correct, his words were "my attitude indicator doesn't seem right, I can't maintain a heading." Then he asked for help with direction to DAL. App agreed to help and told him to enter a right turn with which he replied "TexStar 114, right turn." These were the last words spoken by Nick on his dreadful flight. App soon after giving him the right turn asked him to begin a turn to the left, of which there was no further reply from Texstar 114. App called him about 5 more times with no answer, then switched myself and other A/C promptly off frequency. I monitored the freq on my #2 for the next 30 mins and heard not a word spoken.
It is kind of strange sitting here thinking about hearing his last words and knowing him from our conversations in the past. I kind of hoped for the best after my flight, only to learn of the worst when i got home that afternoon. Scary, VERY scary. He didn't even seem the least bit scared in his voice when he spoke with App either.
Alright, I can't talk any more about it right now, but i can try to give more details later.
well, as much as it does suck, im glad he wasnt scud running. pilot error is one thing, mechanical failure is another...not that i wish either on anyone. wasnt he recently married too?
Hey guys. I know the guy who was killed. I don't know what happened and neither does the FAA. This guys close friends and possibly family are watching this board. Please don't speculate the cause unless you have facts. His father is a pilot and may be watching.
He will be missed regardless of the cause.
I appreciate your help on this matter.
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