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Tell me it is not true!

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Aspiring to be

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2002
These guys started this union business and should pay.

We need you to help us on the list. Flight Options has requested it.

The above is taken from an email between two managers at RTA. The sender continues to be a manager at FLOPS. This person will be charged with perjury (his deposition) and it is suspected that others will also be charged with perjury. This has recently come to light and is being submitted to the court. It is time for the pilots at FLOPS to wake-up and see what the management of FLOPS has done and can continue to do. The management of FLOPS think they are above the law.
I am not Merlin. What differance does it make who I am? Are you saying the post is not true? Are you not concern that those pilots were terminated illegally by the company you work for? Are you not concern that they and their famiies have suffered due to the acts of your conpany? Are you not concern that their rights were violated? Are you not concern that you could be next?
been there...

done that, got the t-shirt. Life goes on bro, you can take on the chin and get up or lie there in your own blood. What choice you make is your own. The guys who were "illegally" terminted have chosen to get up and fight back. When I was down that road, I chose to get up. By you posting all of the derogitory crap you do, means your a whiner and a cryer. Lying in your own pool of blood!

Deal with it!
hawkercpt is not for real!!

Your reply is not worthy of a reply. Your acceptance of wrong and violation of the law and their rights is just not to be believed.

Take it on the chin. Get real. To be illegally terminated and not fight back would be wrong for them and for all real pilots.

Is the truth derogatory crap?

To stand and fight for what is right is not being a whiner. You are the one that is lying in their pool of blood. What did they do wrong? What law did they break? They elected to work for a contract, all within the framework and protection of the law. Your company violated the law and their rights and you say get over it, just what kind of man are you?
I would like to make one statement and then stop posting for the time being. I know some of you will miss me! Events will determine how long I can remain silent.

I have no desire to see bad things happen to the pilots at FLOPS. I will agree that none of the post about the wrong committed by the management of FLOPS can help the pilots of FLOPS. It is not the pilots that I want to see suffer. I do hope your management pays for their sins. I do hope that it is not just RTN but also the individual that committed perjury and have done everything in their power to hurt those terminated. They will do anything to promote themselves at the expense of their fellow pilots. I do hope they become well know by the pilots of not only FLOPS but through out the industry for the sorry lot they are.

That being said I cannot understand those that attack the IBT or those that support the IBT effort and never acknowledge or talk about the very wrong deeds of the management when the facts are made known. It should be important enough to every FLOPS pilot to read the depositions see the evidence and statements made and seek a solution to the problem.

Doing nothing but complaining about the IBT is not a solution. Accepting actions of management is not a solution. If you have a better idea, a better plan then lets hear it and let us see you take some action. To only complain about those that have tried to make a difference is wrong. I understand the fear to make waves at FLOPS but something must be done to stop that fear. It has been suggested that the pilots are afraid on the road to really talk about their concerns or their believes and that is not good. That same poster suggested that if you voted in a union you would be afraid to speak out against the hard-core union people. It is that spreading of fear and hopelessness that is wrong.

That poster has never been to a union meeting with a bunch of pilots if he thinks all will agree or that any would be afraid to speak their peace. Get three pilots together and you will have some disagreement, so what? There is no fear of reprisals at a union meeting if you do not agree. It is not only acceptable but expected that there will be times that people will disagree, in fact most of the time LOL. To suggest that you will be afraid to express yourself regardless of a union vote or not is a foolish statement.

Others and I have said to ask the pilots at NJ if they have any fear of expressing their position. It is my experience that most pilots that are serving on the MEC or some committee wants the inputs of all sides. The MEC and various committees are elected to serve their fellow pilots, that is what they want to do and they need and want your input. They do not serve a union, they do not have any hidden agendas, they are not trying to gain favor with management, they do not answer to a union, a union does not elect them and they do not work for a union.

To imply because they disagree with the statements of several that a union is bad is wrong. The union is lead by elected members and each person has the same power and rights as the other. Make known your position and run for the elected positions. We can take different views and positions but when the truth is known do not deny the truth, do not hide behind ignorance when all you need to do is look. Do not blame those that were honest and acted in a legal and moral manner. Blame those that acted outside of the law and violated rights that we should all have. Blame those that caused this to happen and not the victims. I know that they control your paycheck but actions must be taken to stop the fear. Fear of unjust reprisals such as the Topliff termination must be eliminated. All of the negativism about FLOPS is a direct result of the actions of your management. From what I am hearing, this is the tip of the iceberg and future events will make this illegal termination case seem like small potatoes.
I'm waiting for the facts.

None of which I currently have. The dismissed pilots have a story, management has a story, and everyone I've talked to who was with the company pre-merger has a story.

I haven't found a single pilot yet that was actually with the company at the time of the merger or the dismissals that agrees with those pilots stories. Most of the people who actually knew the pilots seems to think that they were fired for cause (ie not doing their jobs) and their union activities had very little to do with it.

Is this the straight poop? I don't know, but since I've spoke to people with first hand knowledge of the incidents, which since I'm relatively new with the company I don't have, I will tend to believe their story more than what I hear on line. That's especially true when these threads rehashing the "evils" committed by management on those poor helpless pilots seem to appear to coincide with the IBT's mailings encouraging the FO pilots to send in their cards and vote in a union. I don't believe in that kind of coincidence, especially when it's already happened twice in the past couple months.

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