Clinton's 8 years and Obama's 7 years (and counting) have been the two periods of post-deregulation prosperity for airlines and airline pilots. Maybe a coincidence of market fluctuations, but I am much better off today than I was during the early 2000s. I was actually told in 2003 that the reason I was being laid off was because we were attacking Iraq and the airline wanted to proactively prepare for an oil spike.
Paul Ryan voted in 2006 to allow foreign airlines to own U.S. Airlines (amendment 41 to H.R. 5576) so I decided I had to vote for politicians based on saving my profession or having a worse healthcare industry. I decided my profession was more important. I can deal with spending more for healthcare or higher taxes, but I can't deal with the U.S. airline pilot profession being outsourced to foreign airlines.
Paul Ryan voted in 2006 to allow foreign airlines to own U.S. Airlines (amendment 41 to H.R. 5576) so I decided I had to vote for politicians based on saving my profession or having a worse healthcare industry. I decided my profession was more important. I can deal with spending more for healthcare or higher taxes, but I can't deal with the U.S. airline pilot profession being outsourced to foreign airlines.