At the airline I'm furloughed from the standard T/O briefing goes like this.
Initial: HDG - ALT - FIX and Special Considerations
Special Considerations include:
- Airport advisory info
- Noise abatement proc
- Engine Failure proc
- Terrain/Obstacles
- WX conditions
Any other known Risk /Intentions
You want to keep it short and to the point, when the other pilots eyes start to glaze over you probabely got it covered.
Initial: HDG - ALT - FIX and Special Considerations
Special Considerations include:
- Airport advisory info
- Noise abatement proc
- Engine Failure proc
- Terrain/Obstacles
- WX conditions
Any other known Risk /Intentions
You want to keep it short and to the point, when the other pilots eyes start to glaze over you probabely got it covered.