Is there any way that we can contact the folks on the list that appear to have been skipped for the July 15th class? Its strange that some of those folks have not reported a class date. It makes me wonder if they have accepted other jobs?
I PM'd W8N today about the same thing. Basically he said anyone with a blank he has PM'd. Pinion and one other person replied. The others, not so much. Pinion was waiting for some update stuff to come back and will be in the next class. Dirty said the same thing. It would be nice to know what the percentages are on the stoploss folks so I can run more numbers through my head and go even more crazy. Anyway, happy waiting.
Like I reported earlier, When I spoke with JB this week she said most of the stop loss made it into the 15th class. She said the next class will be made up of the rest of stop loss and us that are avaliable now. Slug, I know you're in the next class, I can feel it in my blood.
I second the motion that you are in the next class. Your "pool" number is around 26, if you factor in the 33% of the people not on our list (assuming the pool is around 300). So that makes you #6 for the next class.
Could you PM me the fancy Excel work that you MUSt have going on. Some high speed algorithims, graphs, charts and other "mathy" wizardry to help quantify my existance in the pool would also be appreciated!!!
After all - It's just not good enough for us to be here.... we MUSt pick away at the codec that will tell us WHEN we will be in DAL... I bet JB has the rosetta stone under her desk.... anyone else up for a little Mission Impossible work over the weekend?????
Pilots are just GREAT, sometimes I wonder how I ended up in such unbelievable company with you guys... I REALLy can't wait to meet some of you face to face, buy you a beer and fly the line with you for the next 17+ years!!! I can see now this is going to be one fun group to be a part of!!
I pm'd the poolies in question and only need to hear from 2 now. The others should be in the next class or two.
We have some members stats from friends on the list and we're asking anyone who sends us their information to please remember to update their classdate when they get called. With over 210 on our list now (11 new sign-ins this week), it's rather difficult to keep in contact with everyone. Also, if anyone in class can pass along any information about their class colleagues that are listed without the class update, this would help us out.
We also have some pool members that have taken positions with other carriers and they've asked to remain on the list for now. I've asked these folks to let us know when they've decided where they want to be. Hopefully we'll hear back from everybody who's in this situation.
And to answer one other question that I've seen from other threads about why our pool numbers keep getting higher. We keep getting people on our list that have been in the pool from last year. The word is getting out more about our list so more poolies are signing in each week. This week alone has brought in 11 new members. This should be getting us closer to the actual numbers....who knows?!?
I'm going deep sea fishing this the Atlantic, not our pool!
One of the reasons some of the people higher up on the list did not make it into the July 15 class was their slower turn time in getting the updated paperwork back in to SWA. JB didn't have enough time to get all of it back and validated in time for the class offers. So, take it to heart to get your stuff turned back in ASAP!
I know one or two who chose not to go to the July class just because they felt it was too quick in coming for them to get all their business taken care of prior to the start date (separating from the military, moving the family, etc.). And I know of another couple who've been roped into doing ANG or AFRES Aircraft qual/requal training before they can start with SWA (bummer).
Keep the faith, we'll all get there! Notes anyone..........?
Thanks again for all of your labor! Good to hear that most of the folks have replied to your PM's and are accounted for.. Like someone said last week, better to be 200 deep in the pool than #1 for an interview!!!
What kind of paperwork is the update?Is it like starting over again with background checks and all that? Do they contact your current employer again and all that?...Thanks
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