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SWA Newhire class

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Apr 27, 2002
Here's the news many of you have been waiting for: On Jan 12 SWA will have 20 lucky pilots in class...with many more classes to follow.

Get yer party hats on and your beer-bongs packed!


A buddy of mine called Friday and said LL called and told him to expect a call from a CP soon offereing a Jan 12 class. Anybody else heard anything?
Where's Everyone?

Hello Fellow Poolies

Since Friday,

I have only heard on this forum that 5 swimmers are getting out.

maybe AF757pilot?

is there anyone else out there? Just anxious to get you guys outta this pool so that there's room for the rest of us to swim to the "swim up bar" order a drink and then get out ourselves.


I think it's the Cat in the Hat.....he's got their tounge.

Seems like a pretty quiet bunch to me....the Stealthy Class.

Anyhow, to the 4, maybe 5, who let us know....congrats! And, oh um, pass the word to the other guys that's it OK to say something, or even anything. We're glad to hear the news.

Please Hold On To The Bar

Just an observation from the past - SWA has always had this sneaky quality of appearing dormant right before they really ramp up. One minute you're fixing the deck or coming back in the door from the kids Karate class, the phone rings with a call from Dallas, next minute your scrambling to get a crash pad set up in BWI (OAK will probably fall second to most junior base soon).

They never do what you expect.... the pundit confidently states that Herb will start taking a "quieter" role in the operation and then he appears like an aviation Ninja in PHL - yet again rocking the industry with the unexpected.

Enjoy your days in the pool... and get ready for the whirlwind.
Speaking of classes...

My buddy in MDW said something about some kind of Crummy message posted in the crew room about NO MORE CLASSES until March, after the Jan 12 class. Any truth to this? Is there any hope of a class in late January or perhaps one in February?
I'm getting a little nervous as it appears my current company may be having difficulty, say in the next 30-45 days and I'm already living paycheck to paycheck. Any thoughts?
Re: Speaking of classes...

PTinbound said:
My buddy in MDW said something about some kind of Crummy message posted in the crew room about NO MORE CLASSES until March, after the Jan 12 class. Any truth to this? Is there any hope of a class in late January or perhaps one in February?
I'm getting a little nervous as it appears my current company may be having difficulty, say in the next 30-45 days and I'm already living paycheck to paycheck. Any thoughts?
Man, I hope that this is a false statement.

I got a call from a buddy of mine last Friday, the day LL started making calls to 20 lucky poolies for the Jan 12th class. He was told that very day, by his OAK Chief Pilot, that the first class was going to only have 10 people in it! So as you can see, the bases and Chief Pilots do not always have good information. I don't know why it's that way, but it leads me to take EVERYTHING I read on this board with a big grain of salt.

AF (ex)

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