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SWA Interview Attire

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Some guys in our group had blue ties ;o) One of the Interviewers even commented with "Wrong airline" when we were having the group brief.
I think the puff PR piece that everyone reads on SWA ("Nuts") has sent a lot of guys to the "no" list.

Because some HR interns made some professional pilots change into boxer shorts (because they could) and paraded them around, doesn't mean that wearing boxer shorts to any professional interview is a good idea.

I actually couldn't finish that book, some of the "fun loving antics", like the boxer short deal made me think of the downsides of using power to humiliate.

A job interview like that is so important, you could ask a guy to drink a bucket of spit and he'd do it. That doesn't mean bringing your own bucket is a smart move.
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Don't do it, I had the opportunity to sit in on interviews with SWA and asked a question just like that to HR and Capt/FOs doing the interviews. For a marketing job, that's great, but not for a Pilot position. Treat it as if you were going anywhere else.
I thought you were supposed to "be yourself" at an interview? Would you wear this tie any other time?
I thought you were supposed to "be yourself" at an interview?

Judging by many of the posts on these forums I would advise most people here to be anyone other then themselves when interviewing.

I would advise going with traditional tie. There is a small percentage of people who might find your novelty tie whimsey and give you some points for wearing it. Likewise there is a small percentage of people who will be revolted by it and hold it against you.

Going middle of the road you minimize offending somebody.
I can pretty much guarantee that if you wear the standard blue suit, white shirt and red tie that it will not hurt your chances of getting hired. There are no guarantees if you decide to stray from that format.
Show up naked....

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