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SWA/competitive minimums to get an interview

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2005

What are current competitive minimums to get a Southwest interview invite WITH the B-737 type rating?

Just trying to figure out where I stand, I have ~1100 turbine PIC, coming up on almost 6000 total time, with a B-737 type.

Thanks in advance,

college degree not required
college degree not required

True, however I spoke with one of SWA's pilot interviewers. He stated that if you did not have a college degree then you would really have to knock em dead during the interview to get the offer (which almost no one does).

He told me you are at a huge disadvantage during the interview if you dont have a college degree.
did I miss something. no one asked about the college degree.. asking what the times where like to get called without a type..
Times seem to vary for what it takes to get a call for an interview. I would say a few hundred over what the mins are at the time. When it was 1300TPIC, I got the call to interview at 1500 and didn't have the type. If you have the type, a call may come a little quicker since they look at the typed applications more often. After talking to the PD, the biggest thing seems to be making sure there is enough detail and that there are no gaps at all. Double and triple check to make sure everything matches up.

I've met several pilots during initial training that did not have college degrees. At least two of those didn't even have the type when they were "hired". Once given an interview, it is really a level playing field.
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Why is it that no one knocks them dead? Is it the standardization that college instills in people? Not being able to think outside the box? I'd rather hire someone who didn't automatically go to college out of high school just because it's the thing to do. I think most people are at a disadvantage because they are not mature enough to get the most out of what college has to offer when they get out of high school. Take someone who waited to go to college and went into the real world. They know what it's like to work humble jobs and they meet humble people. When you've mastered being intouch with reality, and you learn that everything isn't handed down from the government or the bank of mommy and daddy, pay for school from your own pocket. Then you will truly appreciate it. I'm not saying don't go to college at all. I'm saying you don't have to go through a pilot mill school or party your college time away like "everybody else" and maybe walk away from college actually learning something. PilotYIP is entitled to his opinion just as you are yours. Or, did they not teach you that in school. As you were gentlemen.

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