I have a great idea. Why doesn't the general public just tip when they travel on airlines. For example, every leg of their flight, if the overall experience is good customer service wise, especially the F/A, just tip a buck. When you go into a restaurant, you expect to do that, why not do that when flying. It would only cost the passengers $4 per round trip to tip for 4 flights. Flight attendants would do a better job, get paid very well, and it would attract better people to the airlines to work. Maybe even give a percent to the pilots? Quality of the overall travel experience would go up a little, for only $1 per flight. I know some flight attendants would say "we're there for safety", which is definitely their primary job, but why not get tipped for the customer service aspect. The whole thing seems like a no brainer to me. It wouldn't solve all the problems such as delays and uncomfortable seats, but it would definitely improve the overall experience, at a time when we need it badly.