Borg, I get it. Life takes turns against all to various degrees, and we all think we have it worse than the other guy. I have to ask though. I got 26 weeks of unemployment at a small amount based upon a crappy income. How many weeks did those furloughed in this decade get? Neither was enough to live by, but zero is a lot less than not enough beyond that 26 week point.
I don't claim to have it any worse than any one else. I don't think anyone would argue though, that the conditions of the past several years are as bad as they have been in decades. Surely you've heard of the "jobless recovery".
I see you ignored everything I said in my post about the real reason some of the furloughees are frustrated with the active group...
The Cliff's Notes version - it's not that we're furloughed or that we have it worse than anyone else, it's the (apparent) lack of unity.
P.S. I've never taken a dime in unemployment so I can't answer your question about that.
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