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Southwest Interview Prep

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Active member
Nov 14, 2005
Can anyone recommend where/who to go for interview prep? I've got all the gouge from interviews, but I'd like to meet one on one with someone who's familiar with it. Thanks
Yep, tell your best friend or spouse about 10-12 good/bad flying stories you're familiar with from your past and show up dressed with a great fun-loving attitude.

A great recipe to get the good call.
2nd on Judy...phone interview was enough for me...oh yeah, and dont be the one odd egg in the group with the weird green suit...just wear the dark suit/black shoe/red or blue tie uniform like everyone else...it's a job interview for cryin out loud
Do a search on the site for the info. Judy Tarver is mentioned several times for Southwest. There are some of the other interview prep folks mentioned as well...some for specific airlines (Fedex, etc.) and some as just a general prep for any airline/job. Good luck...

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