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Southwest 1st qtr!!

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Depends on what kind of return you're looking for. Ask some of those investors who have thousands of shares what they are looking for and I bet you get a lot of different answers. Remember, greed will get you either real rich or real broke.

Nearly stagnant share price over the last 11 years? If I wanted zero ROI I'd buy T-bills.
While a good job in the airline industry, it is a pathetic return on capital overall. I don't how long the entire industry can run like this, but it seems like forever.

Yes...it does seem like forever...that right there is an astute observation!! So long as the government continues to prop up the weak players, the risk is reduced, and thus, so are the rewards. All players...even the stand-outs, are forced to compete with the propped up weaklings, ensuring that all are mired in a cess pool of mediocrity...everyone is equally miserable. Anyone had those feelings lately??? Oh...the humanity! I need a cup of coffee...

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