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Lets not forget in the past years ending in 3, the world was quite different than it is now... Today we have terrorism, RJ's and LCC's... These three things have greatly affected the Majors... Remember, even back in 93 most "Commuters" were flying turbo-props and the only Low-Cost Carrier that was of any substance was SWA and terrorism was something that happened somewhere else...

In 1973 we had Vietnam, mass hijackings, and a government in a serious constitutional crisis. In 1983 we had People Express, and the beginning of major affiliations with the turboprop commuters. In 1993 Pan Am, Eastern, and Midway had all gone out of business and Continental, USAirways and American West in bankruptcy. Everytime there is a slowdown, there are different dynamics. The industry changes a little bit, and then recovers.

Although there is some disagreement, there are many analysts think the age of the 50 seat RJ is coming to an end. The LCC are flying mainline size aircraft with some nice ammenities (ie TV) against these 50 seat RJs. The majors will not survive long if customers have a choice of $350, free TV and a large airplane, as opposed to $1000 and an RJ.

Will the industry ever be the same as it was in the late 90's? Doubtful. But then again the late 90's were nothing like the 80's, 70's or 60's. The industry will recover and there will be good opportunities in the future, they just may not be in the places you might think.
NEDude said:
Will the industry ever be the same as it was in the late 90's? Doubtful. But then again the late 90's were nothing like the 80's, 70's or 60's. The industry will recover and there will be good opportunities in the future, they just may not be in the places you might think.

I also agree...

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