Any current pilots able to give me a realistic time frame to get Santa Barbara as a newhire on the RJ. Also, how long is the current stay on reserve? I'm at another regional right now, but giving serious thought about moving back to the left coast.
The most junior RJ FO in SBA has a pilot number around 1000 out of approx 1800 pilots at this time, and was hired before 9/11. He is an FO on reserve, but he could be a RJ captain in ORD. That is how senior SBA is.
FO's on the EMB can get there much sooner, if not right out of ground school.
The most junior RJ Captain in SBA (again, on reserve) was hired in 1998.
As for upgrade at other domiciles. The most recent EMB award in FAT was given to FOs here for 20 months. RJ upgrade has been higher but with all the new aircraft coming in the next few months and all the newhires RJ FOs in training (80 in December), I'd place money you'd get it in around the 2.5 years mark if you want to go to ORD or DEN...
I was just awarded SBA as a Brasilia FO after 8 months. There is currently no one waiting for SBA in the Brasilia. It is different in the rj though as Rogue said. SBP is very junior for the brasilia now so that is a good option if you don't end up in the rj and just want to be on the west coast while you wait.
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