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skywest salary REALLY!

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Your replies are very detailed and apreciated by all of us who are Skywest bound.I'm sure one of the reasons most of us want to be airline pilots is the variety of schedules and trips we can choose as our seniority allows.
To newbee(the original author of this post), Good luck and know you are interviewing with the best in the west.
Thanks Again!

Thanks to all who posted! Just what I was looking for. I am studying for the interview and hoping for the best! I really do apprechiate this web-site when it is used the way it was intended to be.

I will be on-line often, so if you have any more inside info. Just drop me a line!

Thanks again!

What is this?

I am reading old posts about Skywest and seeing WYO alot. What is WYO as refering to riding on United. Another good question? What airlines and what are the costs for me and my family to fly? I assume discounts are available.

Sorry to be so dense, but I like to do my homework before I go to an interview.


I think its Write Your Own pass. Meaning you don't have to deal with the hassle of going through your pass bureau to get a cheap ticket. You just have to list, go to the gate and write your own pass. I don't know what they pay for that.
With 100% certainty SkyWest will not test you on the costs of non-revenue travel.

WYO refers to "Write Your Own" ticket on UAL for you, your wife/husband and one set of parents.

This is all stuff that you need to worry about after your pass the interview, get offered a ground school date and pass, pass the sim and then pass IOE. Then worry about if SkyWest gets ID 90's passes on Air New Zealand. :p

Good Luck,

Splert :p
Andy Neill said:
Ground school for each of the aircraft is at Salt Lake City. CRJ also does FTD and sim in SLC. Brasilia FTD is in Fresno and the sim is in Long Beach. The aircraft checkrides are basically anywhere in the system where SkyWest can match up a checkairman and an overnight aircraft.
On the drive back to So. Cal. from SLC for Christmas, I flipped on my scanner while passing through St George and heard a SkyWest flight doing repeated takeoffs and landings under the callsign "SkyWest Training 101" or something like that. Was that a checkride in progress?
On United employees, spouses, dependants, and parents fly for around $15-20 each way. It depends on mileage. We can jumpseat (in the actual even) on United for free. On Delta employees, spouses, and dependants only fly free domestic (ID100) and ID95s for international. ID100 means they discount 100% of the fare and ID95 means you pay 5% of the fare. Parents fly on Delta ID90. We can also jumpseat (in the actual too) on Delta. On Southwest employees, spouse, dependants, and parents fly for $25 each way. Same on Continental. We have various other discounts with other airlines too. Travel bennefits are really great.

Singlecoil & CRJPilot

Thanks for the posts! Just currious what all the bennies are before I go. I do really value the input.

Give me a break!

I will fill you all in on what happens.

Thanks again,
You wanted to know some actual numbers for salary:

I was hired Aug. 1999 with a first year pay of $18.02 and 2nd year pay was $22.75 at that time.
From my 2000 W-2: $18,944.53

Transitioned to FO in the RJ Aug. 2001.
From my 2001 W-2: $26,305.57

Upgraded to RJ Captain in Aug. 2002.
From my 2002 W-2: $39,088.78
Hard to believe those last numbers....

2-3year FO this years W2
Of course without perdiem, which adds about $8000 more

Rule of thumb I once heard was hourly*1000+10000=annual pay

It was a good year.......

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