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Skywest or Air Wisconsin

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Well, that doesn't say a whole lot and without any particulars it dosen't mean much either. I will say this though, if the individual was fired and we picked this person up it would have been disclosed to the interviewers or at the very least come up during the background investigation. Just a little food for thought.


Most people at Skywest are very happy and it sounds like Air Wisky is the same way. Air Wisky pays a bit more in the 1st year. I'd say if you want to live in the west go with Skywest and if you want to live in the east go with Air Wisky, assuming your lucky enough to have the option.

Good Luck,

Well said Scott. With all of the new openings with us you can live in the west (DEN) or the midwest (ORD) &(ATW) or the south (ATL) and if all goes well the far west(somewhere in calif) soon. Scott what is your second and third yr pay on the RJ?


Thank you sir. I was trying to find out if their second and third yr pay was higher than ours but based on the way our contract works and depending on the month you were hired you could get two raises per yr. So second yr for me here is $36.08.

Thanks guys and fly safe

SkyWest pilots also get two raises per year. One is on their anniversary date and the other on the overall scale adjustment date in July. The figures given are from the scale effective this last July and do not reflect anticipated scale adjustments in the coming years.

Then it's all the same. I guess the bottom line here is you really can't go wrong either way.

Ok, next question, would you give up 2 years of senoirity at an airline that might make it, or might not to go to Air Wis or Skywest?
Good question! This game has always been a roll of the dice, you might roll snake eyes or 7/11 but no matter what it's all a crap shoot. I can't speak for Skywest on their hiring picture but as far as we go we will hire 150 by the end of this yr and 350-400 next yr. With that in mind and 2yrs of senority on your present job you should be able to make an intelligent decision. In other words you have at the very least another yr to find out with Airwis...


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