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Skywest/ExpressJet Interviews

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Tatoosh65 said:
So what is the deal?

Is the interview a meet and greet, is everyone being offered the job, or are some being passed over?

Rumors are that when Xjet pilots get called back to Xjet they have to go? Is this True?

Also how is this working out with the poolies.. Whats the ratio of poolies to Xjet, or are all the pollies going first as it should be?

I haven't heard anything about process from our Skywest brothers and sisters...

:D I hear its nice over there, I'll bet they won't want to go back

I think this tired old horse has been so beaten to death it is proably best just to suggest you look up old threads on this subject. If you feel that nobody has said anything about the process your browser has not been steered to this website for some time. No one knows what has come down from the managements of SKYW and CAL, many have "heard" many things (as have I), but PLEASE, in the name of all things beautiful, let us let it drop.

In other news, I look forward to all newhires coming an board, no matter where you came from. Be sure to enjoy beer at Lofte's in SLC after groundschool gets out....
I'm a poolie, and I worked my ass off to get the interview, worked my ass off preparing for the interview and worked my ass off during the interview. So, of course it sucks that someone gets to jump to the front of the line by doing absolutely nothing, aside from paying union dues. HOWEVER, I completely understand why. It's purely economics and a business decision. Employing a furloughed Coex pilot is a zero risk investment. It doesn't cost SkyWest a penny to put them through training, or If they wash out. If they turn out to be a brat in the cockpit, guess what, back to Coex. No if's, and's or but's. Continental picks up the whole tab. As far as SkyWest is concerned I'm a risk. A calculated risk, but a risk none the less.
So good luck to everyone. I'll see ya in SLC, hopefully sooner than later.
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Even without figuring risk into the equation, hiring our furloughed pilots is the "cost" to Skywest for getting the flying out of IAH. It's good for everyone in the long-term (except, arguably, the Xjet pilot group). You may be surprised to find out that many of our furloughed pilots have been working our tails off to get an interview with Skywest. I was even fortunate enough to take the writtens and get the "Congratulations, you passed!...Now don't call us, we'll call you...maybe" letter.

Congratulations on getting hired by Skywest. I'm sure you worked very hard to get where you are. Until you've been furloughed for two years, though, please don't pretend to know what the rest of us have been doing to get by. I assure you, it has been far from 'absolutely nothing'.
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Tatoosh65 said:
So what is the deal?

Is the interview a meet and greet, is everyone being offered the job, or are some being passed over?

I would like to know who was telling the real story: SAPA/SkyWest or COEX.

I am betting on COEX.

If Rogue5 does not want to read it, then feel free to keep scrolling on by…

Splert said:
If Rogue5 does not want to read it, then feel free to keep scrolling on by…


Fair enough!

On that note I shall crack open a Guinness and head down to the pool...
What a joke.......

WOW, You guys sure have butchered my post. Time to move on men, training starts in less than a week and you're still arguing over irrelevant issues.

Find something else to piss and moan about.....:confused:
From the COEX board:

Interview was meet and greet.

Skywest people impressed the Coex people, friendly, professional, etc...

Coex people impressed the Skywest people, attitude, enthusiasm, etc....

Everyone qualified, i.e. was offered a position.

The Coex people can stay at Skywest when all is said and done if they want to, assuming training and all else is good, etc...

This is what I know now, always subject to revision! :D
I knew someone out there new what was going on, seeing that the interviews had started..
Interesting stuff. sorry poolies

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